Hate it when showings get cancelled?

Don’t you just hate it when showings get cancelled? … When buyers flake out and just don’t turn up. … Or when sellers announce at the last minute that it’s not convenient anymore to show their home today. Now – people will be people. You can’t win ’em all. But I think you can do…

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If you done it, it ain’t bragging.

If you done it, it ain’t bragging. – Walt Whitman We’ll excuse the bad grammar for now. Because… this quote makes a lot of sense. Sometimes here at Ready to Go Newsletters we hear from people who are afraid to promote themselves. They say they don’t want to brag. And that self-promotion doesn’t work. Here’s…

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Hate it when they pick someone else?

As a 70-pound weakling, school sports were always a trial – particularly the part when teams were picked. Because… I was never picked first, second, third, tenth… Well, you get the picture. Sadly, many of us still face this ordeal now that we’re all grown up. Out of all the gazillions of agents out there,…

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If only they were loyal

Back in the day (and I’m not that old, so I am talking a decade or two ago), people were loyal. They had a sense of responsibility. That person helped me; I will be loyal. At the risk of sounding like some old curmudgeon, loyalty ain’t what it used to be. Have you ever shown…

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That little extra that makes them go wow

I ordered something from an online clothing retailer on Saturday… and the package arrived yesterday. Which is fast, considering I had opted for the free, extra slow (get it sometime around Labor Day) shipping method. Now, maybe it was an error. But I like to think it was an attempt at wowing their customer. And…

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Why a happy client left

We got this bitter-sweet email into the office last week: —————————- My marketing, thanks to content like yours, has helped me reach the level of customers I like to work with, so I am suspending my newsletter. —————————- Well, I am glad that the newsletter worked for him. But I am sad that he is…

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The Glorious Fifteenth

In Britain, hunters celebrate what they call the Glorious Twelfth. That’s the day – August 12 – that the grouse season starts. Good for hunters; not so good for the birds. Anyway… We here at Ready to Go Newsletters have the Glorious Fifteenth, which is today – the day we make our next newsletter available.…

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As targeted as a mean thunderstorm

We had some huge thunderstorms forecast for this area a couple of days ago. Inches – no, feet – of rain predicted if you were one of the unlucky ones in their path. Do you ever go online and look at the rain radar when thunderstorms are forecast? You can sometimes see down to almost…

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Candy bar marketing

Sitting in the newspaper office (I consult there and, hey, it’s a change of scene), sometimes I have to chuckle. …Especially at what the ad sales guy goes through. Here’s something that happened yesterday. A store advertises, and so it gets busy. Lots of customers. Yay! So the owners say: well, we’re so busy now…

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When your passion is infectious

I took a trip to British Columbia in June – my first time out there. Mountains, the ocean, whale-watching, giant trees, rainforest, eagles… Here’s the thing, though. The highlight of my trip was a barbeque restaurant in the village of Ucluelet called Hank’s. Now, wood-smoked meat – you can’t go wrong with that. But what…

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Short term plans for long-term businesses

So, this law student in Quebec has come up with this idea to “fix” marriage. Instead of a life-long contract, marriage would last four years and after that would dissolve, unless the partners acted to renew the contract. He says this would cut down on divorce. Hmm… In my humble (but accurate) opinion, this is…

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When everything seems a hassle, remember…

When the days are long, and everything is a hassle… and you just want to go home and go to bed… I find it helps to think of this: What you do helps people. It makes their lives better. It makes everything easier for them. It’s valuable. …Then, when you remember that, you have a…

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What you can learn from Amazon’s success

If you’ve ever bought anything on Amazon (and, let’s face it, who hasn’t?) you’ll know how spookily perceptive the site can be. Browse something without buying and you might get an email about it in a few days. Buy a book and you’ll see a promo about another book that seems exactly the kind of…

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Such a pretty, wasteful website

I’m in the process of buying a car. And by “process” I mean that I’m researching options… and getting stressed. Because it’s all so complicated. And expensive. Here’s the thing: You can get a basic car for not so much moolah. It will get you from A to B no problem. But then… …there are…

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Where the fattest fish lurk

We took the niece and nephews out fishing this past weekend. The blue Batman rod that the five-year-old uses performs surprisingly well. If all you want is tiny fish. “Is this a good spot?” they would ask. Well, maybe. Now, this question is a pretty smart one, if you are looking for fish… and business…

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The key to a successful newsletter program

Here’s something funny. The secret to a successful newsletter program isn’t the newsletter itself. It’s everything that surrounds the newsletter. I’d better explain… You newsletter is at the center of a well-oiled machine. That machine is designed to collect leads and nurture them until they become clients. And after that, it continues to nurture them…

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What you can learn from Facebook’s experiment

Did you hear that Facebook was manipulating what some people saw in their accounts as part of a big experiment? Users were in uproar. And then the dating site OKCupid admitted this week that it was doing something similar. Now, it’s not nice to conduct experiments on people without telling them. But… … Experiments can…

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The email “open rate” fallacy

One of the benefits of using email newsletters is that you get stats, including the number of people who have opened them. But… I’ve been saying for some time that you shouldn’t focus on email newsletter open rates. It’s the wrong metric to watch. And it could be misleading. There are two reasons. First, it’s…

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Good timing

Here’s a little tip for you. If you join our newsletter service around now, you’ll get access to three months of newsletters during your free trial month. July is still available, so if you move quickly you could send it out this month. August is available (it was published a couple of weeks ago). And…

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Why newsletters aren’t right for everyone

My newsletter company isn’t the right fit for everyone. Indeed, I would rather turn clients away than sell to someone we can’t help. For example, take Melissa, who left us on Thursday. She sent out her first email newsletter and got lots of engagement – a bunch of opens and reads. But… she didn’t get…

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