Olive oil, newsletters and the real you

All is not well in the world of olive oil. It turns out, at least according to producers in California, that the extra virgin oil we import from Europe isn’t always so pure after all. Extra rancid, not extra virgin – so they say. Of course, Californian producers have a horse in this race. They want us to…

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It’s not a chore if you love it

Once-upon-a-September, a couple of years ago, I decided to love stacking firewood. I think I had no choice. The pile of logs – as big as a school bus – had to be taken under cover before the rain made them all soggy. And someone had to do it. So in a rare moment of psychological insight, I decided…

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It’s all about relationships

Now that I have reached the grand old age of 42 (yes, I’m so old/so young – take your pick), one thing has become clear. It’s relationships that count. Relationships with people. You can take away lots of things, but don’t take away the relationships with people I care about. The same thing is true in business, of course. It’s…

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Love is done

It’s Valentine’s week, and I am reminded of the best bit of advice about relationships I ever heard. It was this: Love is done. In other words… You can say “I love you” until you are blue in the face, but unless you actually do the things that matter, it means nothing. So how does this apply to the relationships…

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The bizarre story of a snoozing burglar

Did you hear about the burglar who fell asleep on his victim’s couch? And meanwhile, the victim’s roommate was sitting next to him…watching TV. He thought the burglar was the guy’s friend. They only figured it out when the victim came back home and discovered his cellphone was missing. And so was the “friend”. Bizarre story. I’m telling it to…

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When they zig, you zag

I just got back from the grocery store I love to hate. Imagine a shop were the aisles are just two feet wide, where the containers of blueberries are piled so high that a sneeze topples them, and where the line to the deli is three bodies thick…and no-one will tell you where it begins or…

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Like footprints in the sand

One of my favorite things to do is walk along the beach. But not just any part of the beach. I like the region where the ocean meets the land. It’s where everything happens. The fuzzy borders between natural habitats are called ecotones, and the seepage of ocean into sand is the daddy of them all. The seaside is a…

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The Justin Bieber newsletter theory

A few years ago at a party I met someone who wrote songs for Justin Bieber. “I composed that one in the shower,” he said. I guess I didn’t show enough “awesome”. (Instead I was more “whatever.”  More “meh.”) So the guy ignored me for the rest of the party. Which was fine. As a 40-something man, I wouldn’t know…

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Chipmunks, thieves and customer nuts

The other day I watched a TV show about woodland creatures. One of the stars of the show was the humble chipmunk. Now…you know that chipmunks have a thing for nuts. Crazy about them, they are. Cheeks stuffed like carry-on baggage on a plane. The whole nut fetish isn’t because the chipmunk is greedy; it’s because having enough nuts is…

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Why she just had to call

The phone rang the other day and on the other end was a business owner. She was not a client of ours. This person had been in business for many years, and every month she was putting together her own newsletter. It included all sorts of articles – some of them about what she does, but…

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Why clients are like frozen noses

It was 20 degrees below zero when I left home the other morning. That was after a sleepless few hours – the house had been making cracking sounds all night as the timbers contracted. My poor old car started with a “do I have to?” wheeze. It took 15 minutes idling before it would even consider hauling…

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Why I don’t care much about Facebook (and nor should you)

Here’s an interesting stat that came across my desk yesterday: Email is 40 times more effective at acquiring customers as Facebook and Twitter combined! Think about that. You would have to make 40 social media posts to get the same benefit as one email. Now…I didn’t just make up these stats. They come from McKinsey…

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Just one bite

So there’s my five-year-old nephew, and in front of him is a plate of strange food. It’s new food. Something he hasn’t tasted before. His nose wrinkles up. Eeeeeewgh! “Take just one little bite,” says his mother. And he does…as if there is poison on the end of his fork. One. Little. Bite. And you know what? It’s not so bad after all. …five…

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The shop that sold only water

Once upon a time when I was in Spain I ran across a shop that sold nothing but water. And it wasn’t any of your fancy water from Fiji either. It was your plain, good-old grocery store water in plastic bottles. Now, I know that Spain is a warm country and people need to hydrate. But how could a store…

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New Year, New-sletter

I’ve often said that January 1 is my favorite day of the year. Way to peak early, huh? Downhill from there on. But seriously. There’s something glorious about the clean slateness of that day. A fresh start with no baggage. And what’s more, it’s a holiday. January is one of the golden times of the…

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What newsletters are really all about

I was talking with one of our new clients today. Among the free bonuses we offer when you join our newsletter service is a consultation about coming up with a USP. A USP – Unique Selling Proposition – is, in my opinion, the most important thing you can do to market your business. Basically, a…

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Jingle bells and shock jocks

In case you haven’t heard, the holiday season is upon us. Trees, lights, gifts – and the airwaves are all jingle bells. A few times a month I’m a volunteer on-air host at our local community radio station. Now…I’m no Howard Stern or Rush Limbaugh. The stuff I talk about is the local bake sale, not politics.…

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The incredible melting client list

I woke up to six inches of snow the other morning. Winter has truly arrived in these frigid parts. It’s interesting to watch the “snow cycle” around here. After each snowfall, the pile on the deck outside my home gets higher, and the snow towards the bottom of the pile compresses and becomes a solid,…

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How Tommy Hilfiger was almost too embarrassed to succeed

I was watching this documentary about advertising agencies on Netflix the other day. Called Art & Copy, it was like Mad Men. But real. These ad guys sure are creative. One example is the original ad that launched the career of fashion designer Tommy Hilfiger. The ad was very simple. It said… The 4 Great American…

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Your business and eating a KitKat

Guilt is a terrible thing. Especially when it’s not warranted. The guilt I feel when I wolf down a KitKat is one thing. I probably deserve that guilt. But sometimes I run into people who feel guilty about marketing their businesses. Some, for example, say they want to contact people only quarterly, because more than…

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