You’re the perfect brew for some

Last night the radio station interviewed a craft brewer who is setting up in the county. Craft beers, as you probably know, are big right now. This guy has eight beers coming out – and they’re all different. An IPA, a lager, a dark ale… you get the picture. A beer for every taste. Even…

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Motivation makes Mondays easier

I was reading How Will You Measure Your Life by Clayton M. Christensen this weekend. Great book. I highly recommend it. Early on in the book, Christensen talks about career choices. He makes the point that there are two things that keep you happy at work: the “hygiene” factors and the “motivation” factors. The hygiene…

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Unplugged, free and creative

We had a power outage up here yesterday. Five hours of computer-free bliss. The café upstairs provided free cupcakes to people on main street because the icing was about to go bad. People sat around and chatted. This kind of unplugged time is healthy. I’ve heard it said that your best work is done when…

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Pink flowers, rainbow chairs and happy shoppers

I noticed two signs of spring this week in the part of the world I inhabit. First were the little pink flowers that are poking up through the leaf litter in the woods. Everything else seems dead – but here were some tiny shoots of hope. And second was the rainbow of differently coloured Adirondack…

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It all starts with just one tooth

Just floss one of your teeth. That was the advice I heard from a dentist once. It hardly sounds like good oral hygiene, does it? But it reality, it was sound advice. For anyone who has fallen out of the flossing habit, climbing back into the routine can be tough. When you’re told that you…

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You never know what, you never know when

Here’s a funny thing you will discover when you start sending newsletters: Certain articles at certain times will trigger response from a client. It will surprise you when something in your newsletter speaks so directly to someone. When you write on a variety of topics, some of those topics will resonate with certain clients or…

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Success with dead tree marketing

I had a guy come round my house with a chainsaw this weekend. I’ve got too many maples and birches, and they’re threatening to take over. I can’t see the woods for the trees. So now, after a lot of noisy gnawing, I’ve got a bunch of dead trees on the ground. “Dead tree marketing”…

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Too busy to market, too poor to market

Life is great when business is doing well. Yes, you’re busy, but the money is coming in. All is right with the world. Until, of course, it isn’t. When business slows, sunny days turn to rain. It’s a relief that you have time to breathe, but you’re not making money either. Many business owners suffer…

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Why your client database is like a month-old cucumber

At the bottom of my fridge is a bunch of rotting cilantro. It’s slowly turning into liquid. Nasty. Rotting cilantro is one thing. But a rotting prospect and customer list? Now that’s unforgiveable. But unfortunately, many businesses leave their contact database to rot away. I know…I speak with several of them every day when they…

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Tell me what to do – and then I will do it

I’ve got a simple tip today for anyone who sends email newsletters. Here it is: Put lots of links in your email. The reason? People don’t take action unless they’re told what action to take. They won’t visit your website unless you tell them that they should visit your website. When you publish an article,…

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How do I know if my newsletter is working?

How do I know if my newsletter is working? That was the question I got from a client yesterday. It’s an important question – not just for your newsletters but for any marketing you do. A lot of people make the mistake of guessing, which results in a lot of wrong decisions…and wrong decisions don’t…

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The ride-along newsletter

On Friday I told you about the newsletter that is inserted into egg boxes. It’s one of my favorite newsletter concepts of all time. That newsletter is what I call a “ride-along” newsletter because it comes inserted with a product. It’s a good idea because the cost of mailing printed newsletters puts some people off.…

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If an egg company can send a newsletter…

Back in 2009, I wrote about The Country Hen and its newsletter. You might have bought some of this company’s eggs. The box has a little newsletter in it. Now, I don’t know of any other grocery products that come with their own newsletter, so this one really stands out. The newsletter is not big…probably…

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More response than a Patsy Cline tribute artist?

I was hosting the breakfast show at the local community radio station yesterday. For those of you who are new here – it’s a voluntary position. This isn’t Sirius or NPR. I’m just happy if I don’t have five minutes of dead air. So many buttons and so many potential mistakes. But anyway. Doing radio…

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It only takes one to say “I do”

A few years ago, a friend (no, it wasn’t me) decided he needed a wife. So he went online dating. Now…this guy is a statistician, so he took the whole process very seriously. He even created a spreadsheet. And because he is a statistician, he calculated exactly how many women he would need to contact,…

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Making lemonade in the basement

I got home from a trip away yesterday and found my basement flooded. Yay! Spring is here and the snow is melting! Three hours with the Shop-Vac later and it’s still damp. Anyway… Why am I telling you this? Well, there are three reasons. First, telling this story illustrates a point I make frequently: your…

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Feel the wind on your face this weekend

Yesterday, I stood for two minutes and felt the wind on my face. How often is it that any of us stop and do that? We’re so busy doing “stuff” that we forget the simple things in life; things that can give us the most pleasure. There’s a simple lesson here. Recently I read the…

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Newsletter delivery like a dabbawala

Every day in the Indian city of Mumbai, 200,000 lunches are picked up from office workers’ homes and delivered to the workers’ desks precisely at lunchtime. Then in the afternoon, the whole thing is reversed, with the empty boxes (called tiffin boxes) returned to the workers’ homes in the afternoon. And here’s the amazing thing.…

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It’s not “what you sell” that matters

It’s not “what you sell” that matters.It’s not you as a “real estate agent” that matters.Instead…it’s all the stuff that surrounds it. Let me explain. Here at Ready to Go Newsletters, we sell newsletters. But that’s not what matters. Yesterday Mayna, our long-suffering customer support manager (I say long-suffering because she works hard and has…

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Not all deadlines cost you money

Today, as you know, is the mother of all deadlines. I’m sorry for reminding you so early in the morning, but today is tax day. Urgh. Deadlines – nothing like them to concentrate the mind, is there? If you were like many people, you were rushing to beat the deadline or ask for an extension.…

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