Happy Clients Make Me Smile

It's not often I post testimonials from clients here. But this one made me smile. Are you making the most of testimonials you get from your happy clients? Thank You Ready To Go Newsletters!  You have given me the most successful marketing tool I’ve used in my 11 years as a mortgage agent. I was skeptical…

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The Back-to-Front Secret to Getting ‘More’

I’ve been thinking a lot about giving recently. And not just because I’m still recovering from the holidays.   The thing is, you get more by giving . Let me explain. Take a look at this post by Hugh MacLeod . It talks about how many well-known (and not so well-known) marketers are “selling by…

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30 Days in November, 30 Interesting Messages

Want to take part in an interesting experiment? Want to see me potentially humiliate myself in front of thousands? I’ve been challenged by copywriter John Fancher to hone my email writing skills. He has pledged to create one auto-responder message each day. What is an autoresponder? It’s computer software that automatically sends emails to your…

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The newsletter spectrum

There’s so such thing as a typical newsletter, of course. It’s a spectrum, from down-and-dirty, straight from the kitchen table written by your spouse…to glossy, designed by Madison Avenue and crafted by a team of high-paid wordsmiths Both ends of the spectrum have their place, because you want a newsletter that matches the clients you…

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