Email Newsletter Open Rates – and Your Mother

If you sent an email to your mother, would she open it? Probably. (I know a good Freudian analyst for those who said no.) That’s the point I make to clients when they question me about email newsletter open rates. The second thing I ask is: how can you make your newsletter as relevant to…

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How to Increase Email Newsletter Open Rates

Although I believe that email open rates aren’t the most important statistic, it’s still worth investing time in raising the percentage of subscribers who open your email. Here are some things to test: Subject line: Is the subject line really relevant to your reader? Does it indicate that the information inside will help him do…

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Typical Email Newsletter Open Rates – Two Answers

There are two answers to the question: what’s a typical email open rate? The first is correct but annoying; the second is a ball-park guess. For some reason, people tend to prefer the second. Answer 1: “It Depends” (Told you it was an annoying answer.) The thing is, it depends on who you are sending…

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Your Email List Is of Absolutely No Value to Me

One of the questions I get from potential new members of my real estate newsletter program  – the email version – is whether their list of clients will be safe if they upload them to my website. They’re afraid I – or someone else – will steal all the email addresses and sell them to…

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Why Quality beats Quantity in Newsletter Subscribers

I was listening to an interesting webinar from Vertical Response (they’re the guys I’ve partnered with for my email newsletter service) today. Several things came out of it worth noting – I’ll blog about them all in the coming days. One of the stand-out points was about list size. The bottom line on list size…

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Good and Bad Email Newsletter Campaigns

At least twice a week I have a conversation with a client or potential client about who they can sign up to receive their email newsletter. This conversation most often occurs with people who are new Realtors, insurance agents or mortgage brokers because they don’t yet have a list of past clients. Can they sign…

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The Best Way to Send Out Email Newsletters

A common question I receive from people interested in my real estate, mortgage and insurance customer newsletters is whether they can send them using their own email software rather than the hosted service I offer. (With a hosted service, you upload your email list to a website, which looks after the design, list management and…

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