7 Call-To-Action Phrases That Get Visitors Clicking

Captivating writing matters in marketing, and everything you post on social media about your business is marketing!

Being able to articulate ideas clearly is key to capturing the attention of prospects, especially when you are asking them to take some type of action. If the copy you craft doesn’t draw visitors in, guess what? Yep, you guessed it … they’re not going to click.

So in this post we’re talking about how you can write strong writing copy and call-to-action phrases that make your audience want to do what you’re asking them to do.

If you haven’t heard the term “call-to-action” before, we’d like to quickly cover that. The Balance  defines it perfectly: “A call to action (CTA) is a statement designed to get an immediate response from the person reading or hearing it. It’s used in business as part of a marketing strategy to get your target market to respond through action. … Whatever the reason, leaving CTAs out of your marketing materials can mean losing money.” 

Why do CTA Phrases work?

It’s the psychology CTAs that make them work. From the day we’re born, we’re taught to follow orders. That’s why you might learn that definitive call-to-action phrases work better than others.

For instance, compare these two CTA phrases:

  • Are You Ready to Subscribe?
  • Subscribe Now!

Which one catches your attention? The second one, right? That’s because the phrase is definitive as well as authoritative. It tells the reader exactly what to do.

Consumers have also come to expect CTAs. They predate the internet. From billboards and television commercials to brochures and flyers, advertising creative (or copy writing) always includes a CTA.

Don’t these sound familiar?

  • Call this number now to get our low-low price!
  • Want more information? Call 800.555.5555!
  • Like what you see? Visit us at 123 Anywhere Street!

Now that you’ve got a little background, let’s move on to the how-tos.

3 CTA Tips to Keep in Mind

Here are 3 tips you’ll want to keep in mind when crafting your CTAs and then we’ll cover some specific phrases that get people clicking.

1) Use Verbs

You need to use action words to get people to take action. 

Use actionable words such as “get”, “learn”, “discover” or “enjoy.” 

2) Create A Sense Of Urgency

Using words like today, now or in the next 24 hours will create a sense of urgency and get the user clicking away.  It suggests the consumer needs to hurry up and act or they’ll risk losing out on the opportunity forever. It may sound silly, but human psychology leads us to behave in certain ways.

3) What’s In It For Them (WIIFT)?

Back up your action-packed verbs with the value they will receive once they click.

For example, a button that says “click here” or “download now” doesn’t communicate what they stands to gain by clicking. Whereas “Click here to enjoy a free month—on us!” on the other hand, does.

7 Phrases To Get People Clicking

Here we go:

Phrase #1 =  “Read On”

When sharing a blog post on social media, give a brief snippet of what your audience can learn inside before leading into your “Read on” call to action phrase.

Phrase #2 =  “Yes, I Want [X]!”

This is one of the most common affirmative call-to-action phrases. When readers see this CTA, they read it to themselves as though it were their own original thought.

Your “[X]” could be anything: a free download, a discount, free shipping, or any other incentive. That doesn’t matter. Your goal is to affirm that your reader wants whatever you’re offering and will therefore convert.

Phrase  #3 = “Snag [X] Now!”

When you use unique words like Snag/Grab/Seize/Score/Gain in your call-to-action phrases, you call more attention to it. When you start your CTA phrase with a word that implies a benefit for the consumer, you’re more likely to attract clicks and sign-ups.

Plus, the word “now” adds a sense of urgency to the CTA. (Remember why this is important?)

Phrase #4 = “Share”

Another great way to ask your audience to take action is by asking them to share your post.  A simple “Share if you agree!” call-to-action is an easy way to get people clicking.

Phrase  #5 = “Send Message” or “Call”

Asking your potential customer to get in touch with you is a great way to move them towards working with you. If someone is nervous about diving in and making a commitment to the service you provide, making yourself reachable is important.

Facebook makes it easy for you to place a ‘Send Message’ button at the top of your business page.

You can even use your cover photo as a more obvious CTA, by using text or design elements that tell people to message you about your service or a strategic arrow pointing to the ‘Send Message’ button.

Phrase #6  = “Start Your Journey Toward [Y]”

Some of the best call-to-action phrases expressly mention a direct benefit of clicking on the CTA button. They tell the consumer what he or she will get in exchange for providing an email address.

In this example [Y] represents a result.

  • Start your journey toward successful home ownership
  • Start your path to greater wealth

A results or benefits based CTA allows the consumer to imagine their own success. It suggests that a dream or goal lies just behind their reach, and all they have to do is click on that button and get the incentive.

Phrase # 7 = A Question

When you ask a question, it’s a call to action for interaction (or “engagement” as you probably hear a lot in the social media world)  and a response from your audience. Creating a call-to-action for engagement can be an easy great way for you to open communication with your audience and build rapport. 

Don’t underestimate the power of good, old-fashioned interaction with your followers.

Creating call-to-action phrases doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Remember, all you’re doing is giving your audience a next step to take after viewing your content. Don’t forget to include a CTA in all your marketing efforts so you can really reap the rewards!