Your ‘dog-whistle’ newsletter

If you listen to the political pundits on TV (I don’t recommend it), you might have come across the term “dog-whistle” issues. These are the topics that are of special interest to dye-hard conservatives or liberals, but which don’t have much resonance with the other side.

Dog-whistle issues are used to rouse interest in the crowd they are intended to reach. Just like an actual dog whistle, they are heard only by people with certain interests.

The same phenomenon occurs if you are in the market for a new car. Say, for example, you decide you want to buy a Chevy Cruze. As soon as you get interested in that particular car, you notice that practically every second vehicle on the road is a Chevy Cruze.

You’re just attuned to see it.

The same thing happened to me yesterday when I was reading the news online.

I saw a story about predictions for this year’s hurricane season.

As I like to spend some time in Florida in the winter, hurricanes are of interest. And so I read the article.

You can use the same phenomenon in your newsletters.

We try to make the newsletters we offer as relevant as we can to your readers, so that they will find that there are “dog-whistle” issues for them.

However, we don’t know your own clients as well as you do.

So that’s why we encourage you to edit your newsletter as much as you wish to make them extra-relevant to your clients.

Add something hyper-local or extra relevant, then your clients’ ears will prick up and listen, particularly if that level of detail is not usually available to them.

And when they listen, they are engaged – and that makes them much more likely to hire you.

Here’s where you can get a “dog-whistle” newsletter of your own.