How to Hire Writers for Your Newsletter

I’ve always enjoyed working with freelance writers. I’ve done it pretty much all my career, and even now I use specialist freelancers for my ready-made newsletter products. Here are some tips for finding talented people to write for your newsletter. Where to find them I’ve found it’s something of a buyers’ market when it comes…

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Why I Don’t Read This Company’s Email Newsletter

I love my proof-reading company, I really do. It does an excellent job with my customer newsletters. It also sends out a monthly newsletter. Good on ’em. But you know what? I don’t read it. Here’s why: it’s almost solely about grammar and proof-reading. And, to be frank, I’m not all that interested in grammar…

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How to Get Free Articles and Pictures for Your Newsletter Using Creative Commons

As you know, it’s not a good idea to copy articles from the internet and use them in your newsletter. There’s a good chance you’ll be breaking copyright. And anyway, it’s not cool to use other people’s work in your newsletter without asking. There are, however, many authors and photographers who are happy for you…

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A Useful List of Newsletter Topics

Your newsletter doesn’t just have to be about what you do. If you’re an accountant, don’t just write about tax. Include info that helps people run a business. If you’re a real estate agent, don’t just write about real estate, include other consumer info that people will find interesting. If you’re a plumber, don’t just…

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Is your newsletter boring?

Rule #1 when writing your newsletter is this: focus on your reader, not on yourself. After all, readers are interested in themselves, not in you. So when companies fill a newsletter with how they’ve just got ISO 9001 or been awarded the Mayor’s Prize for Human Resources Development, they’re asking for their words to be…

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Don’t forget to recycle your newsletter content

If you’ve written articles for your newsletter, don’t waste them. You can use them again in a variety of formats. Then you’ll get much more mileage out of everything you write. Try using them… On your website: you’ll add several search-engine friendly pages to your website that will attract more viewers and keep them sticking…

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