Finding Real Estate Leads During the COVID 19 Pandemic

Having killed more than 400,000 people worldwide, and 110,000 in the United States alone, COVID-19 is a once-in-a-lifetime event that is reshaping the way nearly every industry is doing business, and real estate is no exception. During the lockdown many open houses were simply cancelled, and the market stalled for a time as no one…

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How to Use a Newsletter to Prove that a ‘Commodity’ Product Can Be Special

Here’s a fascinating case study from a company that sends out a newsletter in every box of eggs it produces. Yes, eggs that come with their own newsletter. I’ll give you what I see as the big takeaway first: You might think that eggs is eggs. But, as we’re told, some eggs are better than…

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Elements of a successful newsletter: 13 – The Publication Schedule

This is the thirteenth in a series of posts about the elements of a successful newsletter.  13. The Publication Schedule Newspapers, magazines and even websites have a publication schedule. Everything is run like clockwork, to deadline. There are many external reasons for creating a schedule. But there’s one good internal reason: without one, nothing would…

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Elements of a successful newsletter: 12 – The Printing Options

This is the twelfth in a series of posts about the elements of a successful newsletter.  12. The Printing Options You can run off a few copies of your newsletter on your computer’s printer…or you can ask a professional printer to do it for you. Here are the main options. Do-it-yourself: There’s a lot to…

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Elements of a successful newsletter: 11 – The Mailing Options

This is the eleventh in a series of posts about the elements of a successful newsletter.  11. The Mailing Options There are 2 decisions you need to make when considering your mailing options: Envelope or no envelope? Bulk mail or first class? Envelope or no envelope? An envelope will help protect your newsletter from getting…

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Elements of a successful newsletter: 10 – The Contact Information

This is the tenth in a series of posts about the elements of a successful newsletter.  10. The Contact Information If the main goal of your newsletter is to generate extra business, either from new customers through referrals or from your existing client base, you will want to make it as easy as possible for…

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Elements of a successful newsletter: 9 – The Title

This is the ninth in a series of posts about the elements of a successful newsletter.  9. The Title Many people spend hours thinking about what to call their newsletter. I’m here to say that, really, it doesn’t matter all that much. The most important thing about your newsletter is not the title, it’s the…

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Elements of a successful newsletter: 8 – Headlines

This is the eighth in a series of posts about the elements of a successful newsletter.  8. Headlines In a minute, I’m going to give you a way to write great headlines for your newsletter that is as easy as painting by numbers. But first… Several years ago, I worked as an editor on a…

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Elements of a successful newsletter: 7 – Pictures

This is the seventh in a series of posts about the elements of a successful newsletter.  7. Pictures While a picture may say a thousand words, the pictures you see in some newsletters — unfortunately — say a thousand words of gibberish. Why are so many pictures not up to scratch? First, it’s difficult to…

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Elements of a successful newsletter: 6 – Writing Style

This is the sixth in a series of posts about the elements of a successful newsletter.  6. Writing Style Your main task as a newsletter writer is to get your newsletter read. Period. So that means  your writing should not get in the way of what you are trying to say. What do I mean…

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Elements of a successful newsletter: 5 – The Design

This is the fifth in a series of posts about the elements of a successful newsletter.  5. The Design This is an overview of newsletter design. I’ll go into more detail in later posts. There are 2 key things to remember: 1) Your design should make your newsletter easy to read 2) Your design should…

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Elements of a successful newsletter: 4 – Offers

This is the fourth in a series of posts about the elements of a successful newsletter. 4. Offers If your newsletter is going to work for you — in other words, if it’s going to increase your income — you’ve got to find a way to encourage people to buy something from you. It’s all…

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Elements of a successful newsletter: 3 – Personality

This is the third in a series of posts about the elements of a successful newsletter. 3. Personality For the most part, people buy from people and not from companies. That’s something  many salespeople (and many people who don’t consider themselves salespeople but nevertheless run a business) already know. After all, isn’t it true that…

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Elements of a successful newsletter: 2 – The Content

This is the second in a series of posts about the elements of a successful newsletter. 2. The Content You’ll remember from my first post in this series that I said it was very important to focus on what interests the reader rather than what interests you. Then you’ll make it more likely your client…

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Elements of a successful newsletter: 1 – The Reader

This is the first in a serious of posts about the elements of a successful newsletter. 1. The Reader. Probably the most common mistake novice company newsletter publishers make is this: writing about the wrong person. What do I mean by that? Simply, that it’s not enough (and it’s not effective) to write about you,…

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