Earlier this month, I showed you an example of someone who took one of my ready-to-go newsletters and customized it themselves to make it even better.

Today I’ve got an example of a real estate newsletter. This one is by Linda Frankl, a Realtor in Connecticut.

Here’s what I think she has done well:

Prominent display of her website address. She’s added her URL at the bottom of each page, so it’s easy to find, making it more likely people will visit her site.

Acceptance of advertising. This is great way for the newsletter to pay for itself. She’s placed an ad for a relevant but non-competing service provider in her newsletter in a way that doesn’t distract readers from the rest of the content. Indeed, it helps the rest of the content because it provides visual relief. You could try doing an ad-swap deal with another company so you ride along on each other’s publications.

Client picture. This is probably the best thing – a picture of Linda and a smiling family who have enjoyed the barbecue she provided on moving day. This does several things: it adds interest and personality to the newsletter; it shows she has happy, satisfied clients; and it shows what a great Realtor she must be to provide her clients with “juicy hamburgers and cool lemonade” on moving day – a great way to relax on a stressful day. This really helps differentiate her from other Realtors. (And look, they’re wearing aprons with her name and logo on too!)

I know Linda has had response from this newsletter. And I can see why.

It shows that it pays to take a little extra time and customize a ready-made newsletter.


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