Another Great Example of a Customized Real Estate Newsletter

It makes me smile from ear to ear when one of my clients takes the real estate newsletter I offer and really  makes it theirs. Here’s another example (click here for a previous one), this one from Marianne Derjean, who is with broker McGuigan Pepin, in Quebec,  Canada. Here’s what I love about it. A…

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Excellent Example of a Customized Real Estate Newsletter

I love it when people make an effort with their marketing. (Because – to be honest – so few people really do all that it takes to break through in their market, particularly in the current economy.) I love it even more when my members take the product I offer one stage further and make…

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Could a Customer Newsletter Actually Make You Money?

People tend to think of newsletters as a marketing expense. (Of course, marketing shouldn’t be thought of as an expense at all. It’s an investment – at least it is if you do the kind of marketing that allows you to track the results.) But it is possible to create a customer newsletter that actually…

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Is Your Newsletter Hanging Out With the Right People?

If you’ve got children, you’re no doubt anxious to make sure they aren’t hanging out with a bad crowd. And if you are buying a house, you want to be certain it’s not in a bad neighborhood. The same goes for your newsletter: is it hanging out with the right people? When every newsletter costs…

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Real Estate Newsletters: 5 Essential Tips to Make Clients Adore You

Sending a real estate newsletter to your farm isn’t about getting a client or a listing right there and then. Unless you hit their mailbox at precisely the right time – just when they are looking for an agent or wanting to list their house – you’re in the business of building a relationship rather…

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5 Elements Every Real Estate Newsletter Must Have

Here’s what I hope is a useful list for any Realtor putting together their own newsletter. 1) Clear Contact Information Make it easy for your clients to contact you. Put your name and contact information on the front and back, and consider adding your website URL or phone number at the bottom of every other…

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7 Ways to Use Your Real Estate Newsletter to Grow Your Farm

Attention Realtors: Are you making the most of your newsletter? There are lots of ways to use your real estate newsletter — here are just a few: Keeping in touch with past clients If you’d like to be a client’s “Realtor for life” (something that should be one of your main business goals), then your…

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Another excellent newsletter example

Earlier this month, I showed you an example of someone who took one of my ready-to-go newsletters and customized it themselves to make it even better. Today I’ve got an example of a real estate newsletter. This one is by Linda Frankl, a Realtor in Connecticut. Here’s what I think she has done well: Prominent…

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