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The newsletter that goes with you

Last week I told you about the newsletter that is inserted into egg boxes. It’s one of my

An eggcellent newsletter (and that’s no yoke)

First, apologies for the subject line… Back in 2009, I wrote about The Country Hen and its newsletter.

Your life, your newsletter

This time last year, I got home from a trip and found my basement flooded. Yay! Spring is

Newsletters – and the lonely statistician

A few years ago, a friend (no, it wasn’t me) decided he needed a wife. So he went

You’re more than a real estate agent

It’s not “what you sell” that matters. It’s not you as a “real estate agent” that matters. Instead…it’s

Quack, quack go!

Have you ever seen a duck trying to take off from a swimming pool? (Let’s not ask why

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