It makes me smile from ear to ear when one of my clients takes the real estate newsletter I offer and really  makes it theirs.

Here’s another example (click here for a previous one), this one from Marianne Derjean, who is with broker McGuigan Pepin, in Quebec,  Canada.

Here’s what I love about it.

  1. A “Message from the Presidents”. Not just any message, but a report from a recent trip to a real estate conference in Paris, France. Not only is this an interesting article full of useful facts, but the “meta” message here is that these brokers are plugged into the international luxury real estate market. You’d want to hire people like that, wouldn’t you? (The article mixes news about real estate, fractional ownership and the economy with a paragraph about how they spent their leisure time in Paris. A great way to make the tale more personal, strengthening their relationship with their clients by sharing what they did in their free time.)
  2. A story about the company’s trademark yellow golf flag, which is part of its logo and which flies outside its open houses. A neat little story that gives some insight into the company, while mentioning that one of the owners was a champion golfer. (I bet lots of their clients golf – great way to make a connection!) The golf flag is, of course, a great way to brand the brokerage- stands out from the regular lawn signs. (Plus: they also encourage reader feedback with a little competition to create a catchy phrase about the brokerage and the flag.)
  3. An informative column on the current market focusing on pricing. Plus, another on why now is a good time to do renovations. Both are great up-to-date topics.
  4. An article by a mortgage banker. This is a great way to get extra content for your newsletter – partner with a relevant, non-competing provider.
  5. On their winter newsletter, not only do they wish people happy holidays, but there’s a notice on the front page about the agency’s Open Door Day. The position of the notice, on the bottom right corner of the page, is great for catching people’s attention – and the freebie shopping bags they give away are a valuable (and timely) incentive.
  6. Recognition to winners of a recent contest they held.

So, in summary, what this broker has done is take a ready-made newsletter and then personalize it with their own content to create a much stronger bond with their clients and a fraction of the price of doing the entire newsletter themselves.

That’s why I’m smiling!


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