Why Real Estate Agents (and Others) Need to Be Publishers

Once again, Seth Godin is speaking my language. In a post he draws our attention to the difference between renting eyeballs (the old media way, where you buy an ad that is shown to the readers of, for example, a magazine) and actually owning the platform – owning the magazine or other media. He gives…

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Real Estate Agents: How to Make 4x as Much Commission

Here’s another of my little charts. This one applies to real estate agents and mortgage brokers in particular – but the general idea applies to any business. It makes a compelling economic case for keeping in touch with clients over the long term. The chart shows the difference in commission earned by a real estate…

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Another Great Example of a Customized Real Estate Newsletter

It makes me smile from ear to ear when one of my clients takes the real estate newsletter I offer and really  makes it theirs. Here’s another example (click here for a previous one), this one from Marianne Derjean, who is with broker McGuigan Pepin, in Quebec,  Canada. Here’s what I love about it. A…

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Excellent Example of a Customized Real Estate Newsletter

I love it when people make an effort with their marketing. (Because – to be honest – so few people really do all that it takes to break through in their market, particularly in the current economy.) I love it even more when my members take the product I offer one stage further and make…

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Shock: Some Good News about US Real Estate

If you watch enough CNN, you’ll be convinced that the American housing market – and the entire economy – is doomed. No hope. Just give up and wait. I’m not saying that things aren’t bad – that a lot of people are suffering, losing their homes and their jobs. The economy has changed and got…

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Seth’s Advice to Realtors

As a lot of readers of this blog are real estate agents, I thought I’d pass along the advice of marketing guru Seth Godin. (I reviewed his excellent book The Dip here, and recommend all his work.) He gives two bits of advice. The first is kinda harsh. But the second is spot on. He…

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4 Ways to Tell if Your Real Estate Newsletter is Boring

I’m going to ask a blunt question: is your real estate newsletter boring? Because if your newsletter is boring, you’ll be losing thousands of dollars in business because…to put it bluntly… no one will be reading! And if no one is reading, you’re not going to be able to build that essential relationship with your…

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Real Estate Newsletters: 5 Essential Tips to Make Clients Adore You

Sending a real estate newsletter to your farm isn’t about getting a client or a listing right there and then. Unless you hit their mailbox at precisely the right time – just when they are looking for an agent or wanting to list their house – you’re in the business of building a relationship rather…

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5 Elements Every Real Estate Newsletter Must Have

Here’s what I hope is a useful list for any Realtor putting together their own newsletter. 1) Clear Contact Information Make it easy for your clients to contact you. Put your name and contact information on the front and back, and consider adding your website URL or phone number at the bottom of every other…

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Real Estate Agents: What Would You Do to Justify a 7% Commission?

A lot of my newsletter subscribers are real estate agents, so this post, The 7% Solution, from Seth Godin is particularly interesting. But it’s relevant for any business. Quote: The challenge is… what if you had to charge 7%. What if you had to charge more when everyone else was charging less? What would you…

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7 Ways to Use Your Real Estate Newsletter to Grow Your Farm

Attention Realtors: Are you making the most of your newsletter? There are lots of ways to use your real estate newsletter — here are just a few: Keeping in touch with past clients If you’d like to be a client’s “Realtor for life” (something that should be one of your main business goals), then your…

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