Realtor Earns $19,950+ in Commissions with Real Estate Newsletter

If you need proof that real estate newsletters (indeed, any newsletters) work, take a look at these stats. One agent has been a member of my real estate newsletters service for nine months. Within that time, he has earned $19,950 in commissions with up to another $28,000 on its way. All these commissions came from…

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How to Increase Email Newsletter Open Rates

Although I believe that email open rates aren’t the most important statistic, it’s still worth investing time in raising the percentage of subscribers who open your email. Here are some things to test: Subject line: Is the subject line really relevant to your reader? Does it indicate that the information inside will help him do…

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Do Email Newsletter Open Rates Matter?

Ever invited 100 people to a party and then only 20 show up? Kind of disappointing, isn’t it? You feel like you’re No Friends Simon. But actually… look at the 20 who did show up. Aren’t they your best friends? The people you’re closest too? The ones who really matter? Email newsletters are a lot…

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Permission Marketing and “Too Many Emails”

I got a curious comment yesterday from someone who has been receiving messages from me about marketing by newsletters. She said I’d talked her out of joining my real estate newsletters program because I’d said that you need permission to send email newsletters to people. That, she said, made her realize that people “don’t want…

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Why Even Funeral Homes Need a Customer Newsletter

Every business needs a newsletter. Even funeral homes. There are always eyebrows raised when I say that. What, for heaven's sake, can a funeral home put in a newsletter? Why would they need one? Imagine this: In town there are two funeral homes. Let's call them Dyer and Co. and Restinpeez Brothers. They're both as…

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Why I Don’t Read This Company’s Email Newsletter

I love my proof-reading company, I really do. It does an excellent job with my customer newsletters. It also sends out a monthly newsletter. Good on ’em. But you know what? I don’t read it. Here’s why: it’s almost solely about grammar and proof-reading. And, to be frank, I’m not all that interested in grammar…

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Another Great Example of a Customized Real Estate Newsletter

It makes me smile from ear to ear when one of my clients takes the real estate newsletter I offer and really  makes it theirs. Here’s another example (click here for a previous one), this one from Marianne Derjean, who is with broker McGuigan Pepin, in Quebec,  Canada. Here’s what I love about it. A…

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How to Lose Friends and Alienate People with Your Email Newsletter

Email newsletters – ezines – can be a powerful way to build a relationship with your clients and prospects by communicating with them right there on their computer. But if you abuse the easy access, low cost and immediacy of email, you run the risk of losing trust in the marketplace. Here’s a tongue-in-cheek look…

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Calling all Printers: Are You a Commodity?

One of the subscribers to my general customer newsletter is a commercial printer. He says his customers love getting the newsletter he sends out. Now, the printing industry is in danger of becoming – if it hasn’t already – a commodity. People shop for printers by price, for the most part. And as we know,…

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Is Your Newsletter Hanging Out With the Right People?

If you’ve got children, you’re no doubt anxious to make sure they aren’t hanging out with a bad crowd. And if you are buying a house, you want to be certain it’s not in a bad neighborhood. The same goes for your newsletter: is it hanging out with the right people? When every newsletter costs…

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Write for real people in your newsletter

Here’s a useful writing tip from Drew McLellan. Here’s one of my favorite “tricks of the trade” when it comes to writing.  I create my audience from a composite from bits and pieces of the real people who engage with the product or service.  From those seemingly random facts, I concoct a 3-D, multi-faceted person.…

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The independent bookstore — and your newsletter

Running an independent bookstore is a difficult task these days: you’re squeezed by the bookstore chains, the superstores and online retailers, all of which offer books (the bestsellers, at least) at a discount. So I was interested to read an article in The Guardian newspapaper today about an independent bookstore in London, England. Here’s a…

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