The other day I heard someone say, “Printed newsletters? That’s
so 90s.”

Let’s face it, when you compare them to email and blogs, printed
newsletters do have – shall we say – a vintage feel.

Dead trees and ink are hardly sexy in green-tinged, e-everything

But this is the thing (actually, several things):

1)      What’s
popular or new isn’t always the same as what’s successful. Just because
Facebook is the new thing, it doesn’t mean it automatically replaces older
keep-in-touch methods. Beware of being distracted by bright, shiny objects.

2)      What
works, works. If printed newsletters are working for you, then use them. If
they’re not, then try something else.

3)      ROI
is what counts. Printed newsletters are more expensive than, for example, email
to deliver. But count the results: which gives you the most bang for your buck?

And, most importantly, it’s not a question of either/or.

It’s AND.

It’s not the 90s anymore. And that’s a very good thing,
because we have so many more ways to reach clients.

Businesses should be using multiple media – and integrating
multiple media. Why? People like to be contacted in different ways and like to interact
with your company in different ways. (Some like to call, some go to the Web for
more information, some prefer to receive a brochure through the mail.)

If you’re using printed newsletters, keep these points in

1)      Use
your newsletter content in multiple ways: on your blog, in e-newsletters, on
sites such as  Squidoo. Then you’ll get more bangs for your content

2)      Put
your printed newsletter online, perhaps using a service like Issuu.

3)      Use
your newsletter to encourage people to visit your website or email you, employing
devices such as offers and quizzes. (In my real estate newsletter, for example,
I include a quick quiz, with clients encouraged to contact their Realtor for
the answer.)

4)      Put
a sign-up box on your website for your printed newsletter. Consider using a
special report as “bait” to encourage them to raise their hands as good

Friends or foes? Most definitely friends. They work better
together than alone.

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