Why Quality beats Quantity in Newsletter Subscribers

I was listening to an interesting webinar from Vertical Response (they’re the guys I’ve partnered with for my email newsletter service) today. Several things came out of it worth noting – I’ll blog about them all in the coming days. One of the stand-out points was about list size. The bottom line on list size…

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A Useful List of Newsletter Topics

Your newsletter doesn’t just have to be about what you do. If you’re an accountant, don’t just write about tax. Include info that helps people run a business. If you’re a real estate agent, don’t just write about real estate, include other consumer info that people will find interesting. If you’re a plumber, don’t just…

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How to Sign Up People for Your Newsletter on Your Website

I was asked yesterday for instructions about how to sign up people for your newsletter using your website. So I figured it would be a good idea to share them on this blog. Why You Need to Sign Up People on Your Website I’m continually surprised by how few people, even those who use my…

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Are You Nice Enough?

Niceness is much underrated, especially in business. After all, it's difficult to put a dollar value on a smile. But you know what? Niceness pays. I'm choosing between two satellite TV providers right now. One is my current supplier – and I really like their customer service. The people on the phone are friendly. They're…

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Printed Newsletters and the Internet: Friends or Foes?

The other day I heard someone say, “Printed newsletters? That’s so 90s.” Let’s face it, when you compare them to email and blogs, printed newsletters do have – shall we say – a vintage feel. Dead trees and ink are hardly sexy in green-tinged, e-everything 2008. But this is the thing (actually, several things): 1)     …

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Why it’s Okay if Your Newsletter is Rough Around the Edges

One of the great things about newsletters as a marketing tool is that they can cut through the noise of advertising that bombards your clients. They do this by providing useful content – being of service rather than simply selling. They also help create a personal connection between you and your clients. And it’s for…

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Could a Customer Newsletter Actually Make You Money?

People tend to think of newsletters as a marketing expense. (Of course, marketing shouldn’t be thought of as an expense at all. It’s an investment – at least it is if you do the kind of marketing that allows you to track the results.) But it is possible to create a customer newsletter that actually…

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