As the holiday season kicks into full swing, it is often a nostalgic time because of the flooding of memories from years past. With that comes a natural reflection on what we are thankful for. It can also be a time to spread cheer and many turn to community involvement to share their time and resources with others in need. We’ve found a really inspirational list of 18 Ideas for Doing Good this Holiday Season and we’ve also learned about pilots making a difference year round with one non-profit where the sky was the limit. Literally.

Angel Flight East is comprised of volunteer pilots who fly those who need to travel outside of their home towns or states in order to receive the necessary treatment they need for their condition for free.

Take 2 year old Norien, for example. He was born with a rare congenital condition called arthrogryposis multiplex congenita (AMC) that affects his joint and muscle movement, debilitating the little guy from being able to walk or lead a typical toddler’s life.

AMC is treatable, but Norien would have to travel over 300 miles from Virginia to Philadelphia to receive it and have any chance of gaining full mobility.  His parents were faced with an expensive train trip that would send them into dire financial straits.

Enter an Angel Flight East volunteer pilot. Angel Flight East explains that, “Volunteer pilots use their own aircraft to fly patients to their destinations. These men and women pay for all expenses for each mission they fly. Most Angel Flight East patients require air transportation numerous times over several years for treatment of and follow-up for their conditions.”

Nevin Showman, a pilot for Angel Flight Mid-Atlantic, shared with Nation Swell how it is “… very rewarding to be able to take something that you love doing and give back to folks in need.”

Watch the video to see more of Norien and other patients who have received treatment thanks to volunteers like Showman and his fellow pilots:


Whether large or small, there are so many opportunities to be someone’s angel this holiday season (alternate: make a difference in someone’s life). 

Feeling inspired but don’t know where to start? Click here for 18 some simple ideas to inspire you to be someone’s angel this holiday season.

Among our favorites are the drive-thru surprise, bringing cookies to a nursing home, and writing letters to deployed military members.

May the magic of the holidays bring you joy!

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