In the spirit of selling your best self (and your business), we scoured the internet to find the top sales words that will help you increase your bottom line. Using these keywords on the phone, on your website and in your marketing materials can make all the difference.
YOU, YOUR, YOUR TEAM – drop these keywords every couple of minutes as it helps create an image of the buyer using your service. Avoid making it about YOU by saying something like “our product…”. Instead, try to attach a positive result when using you/your/your team. Here’s an example: “Your team will be able to save time and money.”
VALUE – Your customers probably care more about value and objectives and achieving those. Save the speech about how great the bells and whistles are and focus on how you provide your clients with value and get them closer to their end goals.
AND – Avoid the buts. The word BUT sounds like an objection. Instead, use AND when speaking as much as you can. You can read more about sales coach Seamus Brown’s advice on how to avoid the evil word of “but” here.
DO – Avoid passive language such as try. Instead, focus on motion words such as DO. This word elicits feelings of competence and trustworthiness from your prospects and clients.
OR – Never present one option. Create a few for your prospect, so they know you have their best interests at heart. Also, by only offering one opportunity, you are giving only two options to your buyer – accept or hard pass.
SHOULD WE? – Turn suggestions into questions wherever possible during the sales process. Nobody enjoys being told what to do with their money, so turning suggestions into questions maintains a level of respect without telling the customer what to do.
IMAGINE – Always try to paint a picture in your prospects mind. Using language such as the word “imagine” you can tell the story of HOW and WHY your product/business is the right choice and include them in that story. SEE; SHOW; HEAR; TOUCH – Use sensory language as much as possible. Entice the senses by using such language such as see and touch – that way, your prospect is engaged and feeling your language, not just listening to it.
THEIR NAME – This seems like a no brainer but it is something that is often overlooked. Peppering your pitch with your prospects’ name is a sure-fire way to make it feel more intimate and made just for them. And for a bonus, it brings people back to attention that might have zoned out.
POWER WORDS – These words are meaningful! There are quite a few power words that you can incorporate into your sales jargon – some examples include: life-changing, painful, captivating, and mistakes. Here is a link to some power words that pack a punch.
BECAUSE – How you phrase something could make or break your sale. Make sure you are including a reason for any action that you are requesting your prospect to take. The word because is a great way to segway to your reason.
OPPORTUNITY – Always try and take a negative and turn it into a positive. For example, the word “problem” even when attached to a phrase like “no problem” can negatively connote something. Say instead, “I would be happy to.” Look for opportunities to use a positive word instead of a negative one – so instead of understanding a problem, create an opportunity to fix that problem.