I’m actually a words man. So I don’t always go along with the “one picture tells 1,000 words” mantra.
After all, words are incredibly powerful things when they speak to the needs and desires of the reader.
But pictures are a great way to illustrate your newsletter because they provide visual proof of what you are saying. A product picture, for example, can be a lot more persuasive than a description of that product.
But there’s one kind of picture that beats them all.
It’s the picture of a face.
Pictures of people attract more attention than any other kind of illustration. (If you know of a reason why this is so, let me know — I can only guess it’s because people relate to other people better than they do to objects.)
So use pictures of people in your newsletter. Use your picture, pictures of happy clients, pictures of people using your product. Or even just smiling faces.
What better proof that you provide a great product or service?
You’ll get more eyes on your newsletter by putting eyes in your newsletter. <groan>