Make Your Newsletter Captions Work For You

If you use pictures in your newsletter, don’t neglect their captions. Captions are one of the most-read elements on the page, and you don’t need to restrict them to just identifying people and places. Because captions are so frequently read by people browsing your newsletter, they can also help entice readers to tackle the article…

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The best kind of picture

I’m actually a words man. So I don’t always go along with the “one picture tells 1,000 words” mantra. After all, words are incredibly powerful things when they speak to the needs and desires of the reader. But pictures are a great way to illustrate your newsletter because they provide visual proof of what you…

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Elements of a successful newsletter: 7 – Pictures

This is the seventh in a series of posts about the elements of a successful newsletter.  7. Pictures While a picture may say a thousand words, the pictures you see in some newsletters — unfortunately — say a thousand words of gibberish. Why are so many pictures not up to scratch? First, it’s difficult to…

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