Members of my real estate newsletter service know that they get at least one bonus document as part of the program.

Don’t take the power of this document too lightly. It’s at the heart of any successful newsletter.

Here’s why.

The terrible truth is that people don’t want to sign up for your newsletter.

They’re thinking, “not another useless newsletter to fill up my inbox or mailbox!”

“No thanks!”

(That’s because most newsletters are self-promotional garbage. Of course, you know better than to send one out like that.)

So you have to go the extra yard.

can’t just say “sign up for my newsletter”. You have to give them
something that’s extra valuable. Something that they feel they have to own.

a reason why the bonus documents I offer have enticing titles, such as
“How to Survive the Recession …Stronger Than Before” and “50
Essential Tips to Prepare Your Home for a Speedy, Top-Price Sale.”

Don’t you just have to read those…at least if you’re in the right target market?

It sure is a lot better than just “sign up for my newsletter.”

So what you do is promote the document in ALL your marketing materials. Everywhere. Every time.

when they sign up to receive it, let them know that you will be sending
them your newsletter too (and that they can quit receiving it any time
they want).

If you do this, you’ll get hot leads from people who are really interested in what you have to say.

If the idea of a document or report isn’t for you, check out the ideas for other “bait” offers in this article and this article.

Attention Real Estate Agents!

A great way to use your bonus document is to mention it on postcards.

are an effective (and cheap) way to contact lots of prospects and to
entice them to sign up to get your bonus document and your newsletter.

So that’s why I’ve put together some postcards that make the fullest use of your bonus documents.

At risk of bragging, I think they’re quite beautiful. Jae, my designer, did a fantastic job.


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