If you’re in charge of marketing for your business, you may have stumbled upon the saying “Content is king” once or twice. In this post we are covering why content is king and why you need it. If you are sending out your monthly newsletters, then you’re already on the right track, but if you’re not doing that, this year may be the year for embarking on a content marketing strategy.

What is content marketing?

Content marketing is a strategy employed by businesses that creates relevant, valuable, and consistent content that will help get eyeballs on YOU and help you become an authority. It will attract a particular audience and incentivize them to become loyal followers and customers.

In other words, content marketing can help build a RELATIONSHIP with your audience and create TRUST that ENGAGES and eventually turns them into HAPPY CUSTOMERS.

We often think of written content when we think of “content marketing”, but it extends beyond that and can include not only blogs but also video, infographics, images, social media content as well as email and print campaigns.

What is my current content marketing strategy?

When you start anywhere, you have to first gauge where you are and then set the goals you want to work toward. If you’re already sending your newsletters out monthly, that is fantastic! And, it means you can also think about your other content marketing like your social media or videos.

If you aren’t sending your newsletters out monthly, set some goals to send them at least quarterly and then work your way up from there. With your newsletter subscription you have access to our whole article library so you can use this for your blogs or social media posts. You could even use the articles as a script to record a video that you share with your followers and customers.

Remember: We can send our email newsletters out on your behalf if you find you don’t get around to sending them out on a monthly schedule. To get this set up, fill out a support ticket here and we’ll get that going for you.

But do I need it?

It’s here and it looks like it is here to stay. According to marketing giant Hubspot, SEO and content marketing will drive visibility in 2020 and beyond.

A global survey they took in late 2019 revealed that 70% of companies invested in content marketing, with 60% citing this strategy as very or extremely important to their marketing strategy.

Content marketing is a strategy that has helped many businesses. If you are not utilizing a content market strategy in some area of your business, you’re missing out on having eyeballs on you and being in front of your audience – this can impact your future business growth.

Where do I start?

If you have already been using newsletters and have been sending out email and print content – congratulations, you are taking the right measures! You are making yourself an authority on a subject and engaging prospects and customers.

However, you may want to engage more and increase your frequency in 2020 because people are consuming content rapidly right now; take a look at this great resource from Hubspot to help you get started.

If you need inspiration or guidance on your Facebook or Instagram presence, set up a time to chat (for free) with us about our DIY social media kits or about the other Ready to Go Social services we have available.

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