If you order a “small” Ben & and Jerry’s, you get two scoops.

And that means you can choose a different flavor for scoop number two.

It’s like getting two ice creams for the price of one.

So… why I am I telling you this extremely important news about Vermont’s finest?

We find here at Ready to Go Newsletters that people sometimes join for just the print or just the email newsletters.

But when we give them a tour of both – they decide to send both. (After all, both print and email formats are included in your subscription and when our customer service manager gives clients their live online training, they see the possibilities.)

Sending both types is smart, because the more ways you can contact people, the better.

Some clients and leads might miss your emails… or you might not have the budget to contact your entire database with a printed newsletter.

Or you could decide to send an email newsletter every month and a printed one every quarter.

Think of the possibilities!

So even if you’re considering just print (or just email) right now – go try that second scoop of ice cream.

There’s a whole world of flavor right around the corner!

Here’s where to get a free trial of our listing-winning newsletters.

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