Pop-up surprises – and your newsletter

In Amsterdam last week, a man was injured by a pop-up restroom.

Apparently, the Dutch city has tiny restrooms which appear from beneath the sidewalk – for the convenience of night-time revellers.

One popped up… when it shouldn’t. The poor guy was thrown off his feet.

Why am I telling you this?

First, because it’s a funny story – and stories get attention.

And secondly, to illustrate an important point.

Your newsletter shouldn’t be just about real estate.

It should contain other content too.

The reason? You want people to look forward to reading it, even if they’re not thinking of moving right now.

That’s why the newsletters we make contain a mix of content.


Don’t bore your clients with dull, predictable articles.

Give them a surprise – and keep them interested.

Here’s where to get your own newsletter. Take a look at our samples to see the kind of content we give you.