Less than 20 years ago, everyone needed to contact a real estate agent to get information about a listing.

Now… they go online and it’s all there.

They even go to Zillow and *think* they get a home’s real price.

Tomorrow? Maybe they will find a way to bypass agents altogether.

So what worked back in 1997 doesn’t work so well in 2017 and will work even worse in 2020.

As information and data become abundant, there’s one thing that remains scarce: personal service from a real expert.

And that’s what you can give people.

But you’ve gotta prove it.

You need to show people your deep knowledge of the market.

You need to demonstrate that you get good prices for your listings. You need to prove that you take care of buyers.

That’s why newsletters work better than ever. They’re your canvas to demonstrate the expertise you have; to show how happy your clients are.

As the internet takes a greater role and data gets less scarce, there’s only one thing to do: be the trusted friend who can do what no machine can do – offer great service.

That’s how you stand out.


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