Old lists and good zombies

I have a database here at Ready to Go Newsletters that goes back to 2009. (Yes, the business started a couple of years before that but we got a new IT system and…well…you know…) So there are people on the list whom we have been contacting for about five years. And you know what I…

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Beavers, land grabs and newsletters

A couple of years ago, a beaver decided to use our yard as its own personal Home Depot. Every morning we would wake up and there was another pointy tree stump. Somewhere nearby was a wonderful beaver McMansion, I’ve no doubt. I was watching a documentary about beavers the other day and, like most creatures,…

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As unique as your pair of jeans

Here’s something interesting: The police were able to use the unique patterns of wear on a villain’s denim jeans to link him to a crime. Apparently, everyone’s jeans wear in a different way – and cops could link the wear with security camera footage. Why am I telling you this? Well, it’s interesting for a…

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Pizza flyers – and your newsletter

Here’s a question I sometimes get asked about our print format newsletters: Why don’t they have a bunch of pictures and colors? There’s a simple reason for that: We want them to be effective. Here’s the thing: People’s mailboxes get stuffed with colorful flyers every day. And we want your newsletter to stand out. That’s…

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Fake goat’s cheese, real you

Fake goat’s cheese. That’s the latest scandal at grocery stores over in England. I’m not kidding. Sometimes it’s hard to tell what is real anymore. What’s real in our food. What’s real in politics. What’s real in the promises we are made. That’s why people crave authenticity. Farmers markets. Craft beer. Hand-made gifts at Etsy.…

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Print it real

If only you could see my desk right now. Or the floor around it. Paper. Everywhere. There’s barely room for my keyboard and mouse. The reason is that I printed out the entire first draft of the book I’m publishing. And there are a lot of pages. Why am I telling you this? Because it…

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Half farming

Long, long before I was born (thousands of years, in fact), someone had a brainwave. He or she figured out how to farm. Instead of running around hunting and gathering, people began to stay put and grow stuff. And so the human race leapt forward. Of course, the term farming is used in real estate…

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Sharing, soul and newsletters

Sometimes, it’s more than just the “thing”. The first draft of my book is done (it’s still without a title – I’m asking our clients for ideas.) And one clear theme is emerging from the 150 pages or so… Newsletters aren’t just about marketing yourself. They’re not just another “marketing tool”. It’s not about the…

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Scissors, salons and newsletters

I think I could tell the guy who cuts my hair absolutely anything. It’s not just because he is particularly discreet… …it’s because he forgets absolutely everything. So each time I get my hair cut it’s like the movie Groundhog Day – we have the same conversations over and over. In one ear and out…

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Irreplaceable you

I was watching a video yesterday about how computers are destroying jobs. Once it was manual labor that was replaced by machines. Then it was office jobs. And now it’s the professions. Lawyers, accountants. Even doctors. Thankfully, the video had an answer to the question: how do you preserve your own job? It said the…

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The parrot who came back speaking Spanish

Did you hear about the parrot with the British accent that disappeared for four years and came back speaking Spanish? Apparently, Nigel (yes, that was its name) disappeared one day. Its owner thought it was lost for good. And then it came back – but the words it spoke were in a completely different tongue.…

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Helping clients make a good choice

Let’s take a minute to appreciate the plight of clients. Yes, they can be annoying and they can be disloyal. But they can also be overwhelmed and confused. After all, they are bombarded with information – with ads, with TV, with their Facebook feed… With all this going on, it’s hard to make a decision.…

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Why your new leads are like soup

I was at a rather chilly party the other night. It was outdoors. And it wasn’t that far above freezing. As you can imagine, I didn’t stay long. There was food – soup and nachos and more – but it got cold quickly. So I ate it quickly. The same chilling affect can happen with…

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One marshmallow or 100s of clients?

You’ve probably heard of the marshmallow test. Back in the 60s, researchers placed a marshmallow in front of children. The kids were told you can have one marshmallow now, but if you wait alone for 10 minutes, you can have two. Some kids couldn’t resist and ate the treat right away. Others battled through temptation…

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Of turtle tunnels and newsletter funnels

Turtles, it turns out, are in trouble. Their millions of years of slow evolution can’t keep up with humanity’s rapid revolution of the past 100 years. For example, turtles can’t cope when we run a road through their habitat. They just continue from one side of their wetland to the other – and get squished.…

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Like a red leaf in a forest of green

This past weekend we had our “Colorfest” event in the village. It’s a celebration of read leaves, orange pumpkins – you get the picture. It rained a lot. A guess that’s fall for you. And as it was wet, most people were wearing their rain gear. It was a party of Gortex. Except this one…

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Are we nearly there yet?

I had the pleasure of taking my five-year-old nephew for a three-hour drive the other month. And as you know, with kids, the distance is never short enough. So every few miles, he would ask: How many hours until we are there? And I would answer – 3 hours Then right away: How many minutes?…

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You, Starbucks, and something special

I was reading about this guy yesterday who is trying to visit every Starbucks in the world. So far he has spent about $150,000 ordering a grande latte (or whatever is his tipple) at 11,733 of them. And there are more to go. Starbucks keeps opening them up. But here’s the kicker: He doesn’t like…

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Your newsletter – and magical brushstrokes

I was lucky enough to visit the Art Institute of Chicago the other day. It’s the best art gallery in the world. What I loved was getting within six inches of so many famous paintings. So close that I could see the brushstrokes. It was like being there with the artist – seeing him work.…

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The good and bad of Facebook

I’m been reading about Facebook recently and thought I would share some of what I discovered. There’s good news and there’s bad news. (Isn’t there always?) The bad news is that it’s becoming increasingly difficult to get attention. Even if you are building up lots of “likes” of your page, there’s no guarantee that people…

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