
In comes an email to Ready to Go Newsletters’ inbox.

It’s from Ed Stone, who has been a member for about 18 months.

“Last month I closed a $680,000 sale that was directly attributable to the newsletter showing up every quarter.

“I send it out by email and by US post every quarter. It is a repetition thing. People keep seeing you and when they have a need your name pops out.

“There is no magic – it just works.”

See what he did here?

He just kept sending it out.

There is no magic – it just works. (Imagine if he had sent it out every month!)

Now, you might not get the same results. I cannot say that his results are typical because I don’t know. Indeed, some people join and then don’t send a newsletter out. Others don’t have a list of clients to send it to.

But for most people, just sending a newsletter out – and keep sending it out – will bring in business.

There’s no magic – it just works.

Our February and March newsletters are available now. Don’t wait any longer to start bringing in listings and closing transactions.

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