If you’ve written articles for your newsletter, don’t waste them.

You can use them again in a variety of formats.

Then you’ll get much more mileage out of everything you write.

Try using them…

On your website: you’ll add several search-engine friendly pages to your website that will attract more viewers and keep them sticking around longer. You’ll be able to display your expertise to website visitors.

On your blog: if you have a blog (and, by the way, they’re a great way of marketing yourself, if you have an online presence), you can use some of the articles on your blog.

On article syndication websites: article marketing, as it is called, is a great way to get yourself noticed. You place a ‘resource box’ at the bottom of your article that links back to your own website.

Contributing to other newsletters: if you know another (non-competing) business with a newsletter, maybe they would value your content. Just make sure you get a mention at the end of the article.

Collect articles and turn them into a book or ebook: after a few editions of your newsletter, you’ll build a library of valuable content that can be recycled into another product that is either given away free or sold.

Thanks to Cheryl Tallman, of Mompreneur Zone at StartupNation.com, for her post that inspired this entry.

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