Most websites I visit (and that includes the websites of many of our members) don’t function as well as they could do.
The fact is, most websites look the same as every other website. They don’t do anything to give people a reason to choose that person or company over any other option.
So it’s no wonder that many people simply shop by price, choosing direct-sellers (in the case of the insurance industry, for example) or simply the nearest agent (in the case of real estate).
The result is that you are missing out on a lot of business – and your clients are missing out on the remarkable service you offer.
The good news is, you can use your newsletter to make your website work better for you in two ways.
A. Make your website into a demonstration of your expertise.
Here’s the thing: You know a lot about what you do – you’re an expert. But most websites don’t demonstrate that expertise.
An easy way to fix that problem is to add relevant content to your website. Doing so will give you an edge over your competitors because you will be seen as someone who is able to provide useful information instead of someone just selling something.
As you’re a member of our newsletter service, you have all the content ready-made for you. You can use it in several ways:
Simply paste articles onto your website. You are welcome to use our content for this. Indeed, you can use our entire library, for as long as you are a member. This way is best for someone who wants to build up an archive of valuable content on their website.
Most of our products offer an automatic way to put headlines from our newsletters onto your website. You just paste code onto your website, then article headlines (and links to the articles) are updated automatically every month. This way is best for someone who doesn’t want to add articles themselves each month.
B. Make your website into a lead-capturing machine.
Most websites waste the majority of potential clients that visit them because they fail to attract people to sign up to receive their newsletter and other valuable information. The fact is, if you aren’t able to attract someone on the first visit so that you can keep in touch, they will likely forget about you when they need what you have to offer.
The way to fix this is to have an easy (and attractive) way to encourage people to give you their contact information. This “magnet” should be on every page of your website – don’t hide it away!
Members of our newsletter service can easily create a sign-up box through their email newsletters website. You just follow the instructions and the system spits out some code you can put on your website.
We then advise you to mention one of the special reports we give you as part of your subscription. Doing this – instead of just promoting your newsletter – makes it more likely that people will sign up.
These are two easy ways that you can make your website work better for you.