Time to go back to basics today.

I’ve said for a long time that every business – every real estate agent – should have a newsletter.

But have I given enough reasons why?

Try this.

Here’s 7 reasons why you should have a newsletter.

Bring clients back more often. If you can complete two transactions with a client, it doubles (maybe more) the commission you receive. A newsletter still pays for itself, even if those transactions are seven years apart, when you add up the commission earned and subtract the cost of the newsletter. Now imagine if you complete three transactions!

Win more referrals. Your newsletter is the ultimate business card because it shows you are a knowledgeable, helpful expert.

Win new listings. Homeowners don’t often know which real estate agent to choose, so they choose the one who has the greatest presence in their neighborhood. Mail to their neighborhood and win!

Win more respect from clients. Once you’ve published a newsletter that shows you are an expert, clients respect your opinion more.

Dominate your market. 10% of agents win 90% of listings (or thereabouts). Rise to the top of the pile by building relationships with your sphere of influence.

Stop wasting website visitors. Most visitors leave your website and never come back. Encourage them to sign up for your newsletter so that you can contact them again.

Get content for your website or blog. Your newsletter articles can be added to your website, adding more value to your website and helping with search engine rankings.

That’s seven reasons to start with.

All seven of which make me think: why don’t you have a newsletter yet?!

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