real estate
you'll be
proud to send

Interesting and engaging ready-made newsletters you can edit as much as you wish. That's how you make them really yours.

Click here to get your free samples

See our real estate newsletters for yourself

Click here to get your free samples

Fill out the form for free samples

You will also receive further daily emails about newsletters and our service. You can, of course, opt out of receiving these at any time.

We value your privacy - see our privacy policy

Way too busy to write a newsletter... but can't find a ready-made one that makes you feel good?

This real estate newsletter will bring you new listings - and give you the respect you deserve.

Each month we provide you with templates for printing and templates for emailing. They're complete with content, but you can change them as much as you want to add local info and personal stories.

  • Print Format Newsletters

    Templates complete with content that you can print and mail yourself (or ask us to print and mail for you). Edit them as much as you wish!

  • Email Format Newsletters

    Ready-made emails you can change as much as you wish and send through our email distribution software.

Discover how to send amazing newsletters

Get free guides and daily emails

Fill out the form for your free guides

You will also receive further daily emails about newsletters and our service. You can, of course, opt out of receiving these at any time.

We value your privacy - see our privacy policy

Homeowners will actually look forward to receiving your newsletter

They'll like what you send - and that means they'll like you too.

Most real estate newsletters are boring and insult your clients' intelligence. That's bad for you and bad for business. We believe in helping you form a real relationship with homeowners.

  • Plenty of Templates

    We give you 2- and 4-page print format templates, complete with content. And there are versions to put in an envelope and versions to send without one.

  • Email Newsletter Delivery

    We’ve partnered with Active Campaign, the leaders in email newsletter delivery, to give you the best chance of getting your newsletters through spam filters. Send 1,000 emails per month (or more for a small extra fee).

  • Optional Printing Service

    We work with an excellent printer to provide an (optional) printing and mailing service. Ask us for pricing – we can beat most other printers. You can also print and mail the newsletters yourself – it’s up to you.

  • Response-Generating Devices

    You want response from your newsletter, right? That’s why we put in devices that encourage your clients to get in touch.

  • Email Tracking

    Discover who your most active clients are when you download your entire list to see who opened your newsletters, clicked on links or unsubscribed.

  • Spam Law Compliance

    We comply with anti-spam best practices by adding an unsubscribe link and your mailing address to each email. Any emails that have unsubscribed or bounced will be automatically blocked.

See our real estate newsletters for yourself

Click here to get your free samples

Fill out the form for free samples

You will also receive further daily emails about newsletters and our service. You can, of course, opt out of receiving these at any time.

We value your privacy - see our privacy policy


Every business owner should be passionate about what they do. This is why we make newsletters.

If you send out a newsletter on a regular, monthly basis, we promise you that you will be in the top 10 percent of all the businesses in your industry, and it’s our passion to help as many businesses as we can reach that position.

See our real estate newsletters for yourself

Click here to get your free samples

Fill out the form for free samples

You will also receive further daily emails about newsletters and our service. You can, of course, opt out of receiving these at any time.

We value your privacy - see our privacy policy

Extras to make your newsletters even more effective

We've got a whole range of things to support your newsletter program.

From lead collection to social media to website articles - we've got you covered.

  • Collect Leads on Your Website

    Stop wasting website visitors! Put a form on your website that will collect names and email addresses and then automatically add them to your newsletter database. 

  • Put Articles on Your Website

    We’ll give you some code to paste onto your website that will link to our latest real estate articles. The articles are automatically updated around the 1st of every month, so once it’s set up, there’s nothing else for you to do.

  • Post to Facebook and Twitter

    We haven’t forgotten about social media! You can post your email newsletters with one click to Facebook and Twitter.

  • Hundreds of Extra Articles

    Your newsletters come complete with content, but we’ve got years’ worth of articles to choose from in our archives. Use them in your newsletter…or even on your website.

  • Special Bonus Reports

    Show your leads and clients that you’re there to help (not just sell!) by offering to send them our valuable special reports. They’ll see that you know your stuff and that you put their interests first. Isn’t that refreshing?

  • Residential and Commercial

    We’ve got you covered, whether you deal with residential or commercial real estate.

Not just boring real estate stuff, but content that will make them go hmmm...

Mixing it up means they'll read it, not trash it.

Think Reader's Digest crossed with a bit of a national newspaper and a little of BuzzFeed. There's something here to make your clients' lives better - something to brighten their day.

Not just boring real estate stuff, but content that will make them go hmmm...

Mixing it up means they'll read it, not trash it.

Think Reader's Digest crossed with a bit of a national newspaper and a little of BuzzFeed. There's something here to make your clients' lives better - something to brighten their day.


Choose our optional social media service for ready-made posts added to your Facebook page every weekday.

Not just boring real estate stuff, but content that will make them go hmmm...

Mixing it up means they'll read it, not trash it.

Think Reader's Digest crossed with a bit of a national newspaper and a little of BuzzFeed. There's something here to make your clients' lives better - something to brighten their day.

The best way to test our newsletters is to try them out

Click here for our 30-day free trial

Newsletters are easy when you have us to help

We believe in newsletters - and we are here to give you customer support every step along the way.

We have great people at every step. From our professional writers to our former newspaper gal, Frances (our editor), to our wonderful customer service manager, Mayna, and our production expert, Kyla.

  • Help When You Need It

    We don’t believe in taking your money and then ignoring you. Mayna loves helping people with their newsletters. Call her and see – she’s on extension 2!

  • Written by Experts and Journalists

    All our writers are in North America. They are either subject-matter experts or journalists. Our articles are edited by a former newspaper editor and then proofread to remove any errors.

  • It Really Is Ready to Go!

    Your newsletter comes personalized with your contact info, logo – even your headshot, if you want it. That means you can send it right away – and then get back to what you do best: selling houses!

  • No Setup Fee

    We don’t believe in charging you money to set up your newsletter. After all, isn’t setting up part of the service?

  • Try It Free for 30 Days

    We don’t believe you should pay until you’re happy with your newsletter. That’s why we insist you try it free for 30 days before paying for your subscription. You will get access to everything during your trial period.

  • You're 100% in Control

    You can send your newsletter when you want to – not on some fixed schedule. Plus, you can send as many or as few newsletters as you want. After all, it’s your newsletter to do what you want with!

See what other real estate agents say about us

Real feedback from our clients

We have noticed that in the week after a newsletter goes out, we always get at least 2 listing appointments.

Kelley Miller

This is the best newsletter I have ever seen. My clients are telling me they are actually reading it! I think that’s because it has lots of content that isn’t just about real estate.

Greg Sparkman

I mail out 2,500 newsletters a month and emails to another 600 clients. I have had great success and my business has improved substantially.

Johnny Brooks

As a result of my newsletters I have gotten 2 sellers to list with me. One directly as a result of receiving my newsletter monthly, and the 2nd sellers were the neighbors of the first happy sellers!

Deona Powell

See our real estate newsletters for yourself

Click here to get your free samples

Fill out the form for free samples

You will also receive further daily emails about newsletters and our service. You can, of course, opt out of receiving these at any time.

We value your privacy - see our privacy policy

Still Have Questions about our newsletters?

Check out these frequently asked questions...

How much of my newsletter can I customize?

As much or as little as you wish. You can change as many articles as you wish – even the title. Or you can leave it as it is.

How do I customize my newsletter?

Print: You can use Microsoft Word to cut and paste text into your newsletter quickly and easily.

Online: You can use Active Campaign’s easy-to-use email editing window. We give you a free account with Active Campaign for editing and sending out your newsletters.

What do I do if I want to discontinue my service?

Just email us at [email protected] or call 1-877-976-6368 and we will cancel your account immediately.

How do I send my email newsletters?

We give you a free account with Active Campaign, the leading email sending company. You can send 1,000 emails per month with them as part of our service. If you want to send more than 1,000 emails, it costs $1.50 per 100.

Can I track the performance of my email newsletters?

Yes, you can. Active Campaign provides tracking of opens, clicks on links, unsubscribes and bounces. You can also see what each individual recipient did with the newsletter.

What kind of files will I receive?

Print: You will receive Microsoft Word files so you can easily customize your newsletter.

Online: You will have access to the email editing facility through Active Campaign, Ready to Go Newsletters’ email delivery partner. We also provide HTML files, in case you want to use the newsletter with another system, such as Constant Contact, iContact or Infusionsoft. However, if you don’t use Active Campaign, we will not be able to personalize your newsletter for you.

Will I get the current month’s newsletter?

Yes, you will. Indeed, it’s likely you will have access to the current and next month’s newsletters during your free trial period.

How quickly can I start?

Your first newsletter will be set up within two working days. Then you’ll get access to each fresh newsletter around the 15th of the month before (for example, September's newsletter is published August 15).

Do your email newsletters comply with the anti-spam regulations?

If you use our partner, Active Campaign, your newsletters will comply with anti-spam laws. The system automatically includes a mailing address and an unsubscribe link.

See our real estate newsletters for yourself

Click here for our 30-day free trial