Just back from the dentist.

On the wall of the office was a sign that said something like:

“Our aim is to give the very best of care to your teeth so that you keep as many of your own teeth as possible for the rest of your life.”

A good sign, I thought.

A trip to the dentist can be fraught with fear – not just of the drill but what it might do to your bank balance. A simple statement like this is, if nothing else, reassuring.

But more importantly, if the dental office believes in its own sign (and mine does), it’s good for business too. It’s putting patients first, above any other (perhaps more profitable) motives.

That will lead to happier clients, very loyal clients, more referrals…and more business.

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  1. I most certainly enjoyed reading this post.It was a very informative.

  2. Very well said, that would help the dental patient ease the fear when they read that sign,

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