Daunted, afraid and cynical.

That’s not the title of some horror movie.

Instead, it’s how many homeowners feel when they need to list their house.

Or how many buyers (particularly first-timers) feel when they need to venture out into the market.

Now, I’m not just making this up. I’ve been researching into the words people use when they are getting into the real estate market so that I can better help my own clients with their own businesses.

And I found…

Your clients are daunted – they feel like they are the only ones who don’t know how real estate transactions go down, and they feel like they don’t know the market they’re about to jump into.

They’re afraid – because it seems like such a big deal and they don’t want to make a mistake.

And they’re cynical – because they’ve heard stories of real estate transactions that went bad or agents who didn’t help.

So… with all that going on.

You have the power to make them feel better!

After all, as a good real estate agent, you can stop all these feelings dead in their tracks.

But how do you do that?

With proof.

Proof that you are there to assist them, that you can help them avoid the pitfalls – and that you can be trusted.

Use real testimonials from happy clients.

Reveal some stats about your track record – the number of transactions you’ve completed.

Help them understand the process by sharing useful information.

Tell them how you will price their home and how you will market it.

Share with them the facts about the local market.

Now… I’m not making these ideas up either. They come from what the best-performing agents are doing in one of the hottest markets in North America.

… More research I am doing to help my clients.

So… think of what your own prospects are feeling – and help them feel better.

You can do that in your newsletter. Indeed, many of the articles we put in the newsletters we make will help your clients feel better informed and less afraid.

Now – won’t that help you win more listings or find more buyers?

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