Have you noticed how craft beers are such a “thing” these days?

Even up here in my tiny part of the world, we have two micro-breweries starting up.

I’m not complaining, of course – I could enjoy a pint of Old MacFuggle’s any night of the week…

Sometimes it seems like the business world is splitting into two: the multi-nationals and the local guys.

The big players have tons of money; the small operations have creativity.

So guess which camp you want to be in?

There’s no point trying to be big (and bland). You don’t have the muscle.

You’re better off being unique and interesting.

That’s achievable.

One way to do that is through your newsletter, which gives you enough space to display your special brand.

The content you choose, the opinions you share and the stories you tell will make you stand out.

In a world of big-budget sameness, you can be the person who is interesting and entertaining.

That’s much more attractive.

And it’s pretty easy.

Our newsletters can be edited as much as you wish. Take our content, then play with it until your heart’s content.

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