I don’t make New Year resolutions.
Yes, I do spend time planning my next year and next quarter for the business (that’s what I have been doing this week.)
But resolutions?
Because I don’t think they work.
People make big, hairy resolutions in the shiny first days of January.
But more often than not, those resolutions are too ambitious, which means by the middle of the month, they have been tossed aside.
Instead, I like to plan out baby steps.
Think of your big goal and plot out the smaller steps towards it.
Then… resolve to do just one more thing towards that bigger goal.
That kind of resolution is achievable. And when you achieve it, you move on to the next thing with renewed vigor.
So – if your goal for 2015 is to build a long-term, sustainable business (which is should be), then consider the small steps you can make to achieve that.
One of those steps should be a newsletter because it’s the best tool bar none for building relationships (unless you’ve got time to go for coffee each month with 500 people).
So don’t right now commit to a huge mouthful of a resolution.
Do just one thing.
I think it should be a newsletter.