I’ve been using my mp3 player the past few days to catch up on the teleseminars from A Brand You World – the global summit celebrating a decade of personal branding.

From the site:

In 1997, Tom Peters wrote his now iconic article “The Brand Called You” in Fast Company.
Now ten years later, the personal branding movement is firmly
established as a revolutionary and evolutionary strategy for career
management and professional and personal success.

Whether you are a professional in an organization, an entrepreneur
leading your own business or an individual in career transition,
personal branding has become synonymous with how we build our personal
reputation and differentiate ourselves from our competitors.

The seminars I’ve listened to so far have been excellent. And they’re free. More details at the A Brand You World website.

It goes without saying that a newsletter can be part of your personal branding strategy, particularly when you build in the element of personality.

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