A personalized, handwritten note is one of the most effective ways to engage with clients so that your message is being heard. Maybe you already knew this and you’ve wished there was an easier way to send your clients personalized cards without having to actually do the leg work yourself. Well…guess what? We’ve uncovered 4 ways you can send individual, personalized greeting cards, postcards, and letters without having to write it yourself, commit to an order minimum or one bulk card style. And, some of these options are actually handwritten so you can get that extra personalized touch your clients won’t forget.
One of our favorite personalized postcard and greeting card companies is TouchNote.com because you can upload photos from your phone to be on your cards. Plus you can upload a spreadsheet of multiple addresses if you want to send more than one card at a time. TouchNote even shares that “Research shows meaningful communication and makes us happier.”
Learn more about their photo and greeting cards at https://touchnote.com/
Did you ever think someone would figure out how to program robots to write handwritten messages on greeting cards? Neither did we! One of the leading innovators in this movement is Handwrytten.com and they share that ‘handwritten notes have an 80% open rate.’
You can customize your cards even more with gift cards or inserts. Plus, many CRMs are able to plug into Handwrytten.com automations using Zapier or direct integrations.
Learn more about their classy cards at https://www.handwrytten.com/business/
Another company using patented handwriting technology and making positive impressions is Postable.com. They are rather similar to Handwrytten plus they use environmentally friendly paper choices and have a way you can get someone’s mailing address if you don’t know it yet.
Learn more about their designs at https://www.postable.com/business
Take your greeting cards to a whole new level with cards written by handwriting artists and sent for you with Punkpost.com. You type up a message and a handwriting artist (not a robot) writes your personalized card and then mails it to your recipient on your behalf. If you’re looking for fun designs and elegant handwriting options, this site will be right up your alley.
Learn more about handwriting styles and trendy designs at https://punkpost.com/
Last, but definitely not least, is Scribeless.co which offers handwritten letters. We’re throwing this option into the mix because they have some of the cheaper direct mail options that include an envelope.
Learn more about at https://scribeless.co/