Last week I told you about the newsletter that is inserted into egg boxes. It’s one of my favorite newsletter concepts of all time.

That newsletter is what I call a “ride-along” newsletter because it comes inserted with a product.

It’s a good idea because the cost of mailing printed newsletters puts some people off. Even though the return on investment is often very good, the up-front postage is a barrier for some.

That’s why the ride-along newsletter works – there’s no extra postage because you are already delivering a product.

Of course, you don’t need to have a physical product with which to ship your newsletter.

It can ride along with you!

Your newsletter is a much better advertisement than your business card because it allows you to show and tell so much more.

You can put local real estate market intelligence, local information and listings in your newsletter – simply because there is so much space.

And when you do that, you’re automatically positioned as an expert who offers value, rather than just another real estate agent with a business card or brochure.

So consider this: If mailing hundreds of newsletters is too much of a hurdle for you right now, consider printing a few in your office and taking them along with you wherever you go.

It’s an easy way to make yourself stand out.

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