I got the perfect illustration of how newsletters work the other day.

It came from a long-time client in Florida.

Here, in just a few words, is the simple method for using newsletters to build your business.

First, you focus on creating a database of leads and clients. That means you ask people you come into contact with if you can sign them up to receive your newsletter. (Asking is essential in email; with print, you can simply mail it out to your clients and to a neighborhood area.)

Second, you keep in touch with your database using your newsletter. Monthly at a minimum.

Third, when people are ready, they contact you.

It’s as simple as that.

As my client in Florida said: You’re the only one they know.

While others come into your leads’ and clients’ lives once and then disappear, you are in front of them on a regular basis.

You squeeze out everyone else.

So they choose you.

This is as simple as it gets.

(Oh, and by the way, this client just closed on her listing of a $2 million apartment building – business that came directly from her newsletter.)

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