Fifteen years ago this week, I left good-old England and went to work in Amsterdam for an internet start-up.

Dot coms were booming… little did I know they would bust just three months later.

But anyway… I kept the job, as the chief editor running five websites – updated with news daily – across Europe.

Indeed, I stayed in Holland for six years.

It’s what started me on the path to launching Ready to Go Newsletters – in Amsterdam I used my editorial skills and had my first experience on the management team of a business.


Why am I telling you this?

Well, it’s what is known as an origin story.

It tells you something about where I come from, and because it shows I have interesting and relevant experience, it helps prove my credentials.

I’m also using it to illustrate something.

Which is: You could do this too!

Because… everyone has a story.

After all, there’s story behind what you do.

There’s a career, education and experience that has led up to where you are today.

And it’s that life story that makes what you offer special.

This is important… because people like to do business with people they know, like and trust.

But before they can know, like and trust you… they need to learn something about you.

Which is where the origin story comes in.

You can add this story to your website and to your other marketing materials.

… Including – of course – to your newsletter.

It’s all part of building that vital relationship with your leads and your clients.

So make it easy on yourself.

Try our ready-made newsletters that you can edit as much as you wish. Use them as they come, or change them a little to share your story.

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