Did you celebrate your last birthday in a football stadium?

You and 60,000 of your closest friends?

I thought not.

I was reminded that “bigger isn’t always better” by a long-time client of Ready to Go Newsletters who replied to the email I sent out yesterday about the guy with 35,000 on his email list.

He said he would rather have quality than quantity in his contact list.

And, of course, he’s right.

Here’s the thing.

Some of the best businesses are built on relationships – quality interaction with your prospects and clients.

The chats while waiting for your kid’s hockey practice to be over.

The chance encounter in the grocery store.

The lunch at the local diner.

And that’s all great.

But there ain’t enough hours in the day to build solid relationships with enough people that way – not if you want to grow a decent sized business.

So that’s where newsletters come in.

When done right, they leverage the power of your relationships.

(That’s why I encourage our clients to edit them a little put a something of themselves in there. Just like you would over coffee or a beer.)

And when you send out a great newsletter – it makes sense to build a large contact list.

Because then…. you have quality AND quantity.

People who want to hear from you. Who like you. And who trust you.

They might not be 60,000 of your closest friends.

But a good few hundred will be loyal clients.

Here’s where to get a free trial of a newsletter you can edit as much as you wish – make it really yours!

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