Have you seen the box of eggs that come with their own newsletter?

Back in 2009, I wrote about The Country Hen, the egg producer that puts a newsletter in every box of eggs.

I’m pleased to say, the eggs still come with a newsletter.

As you can see in these images, this winter we were introduced to Dulci, the company’s 5-year-old adopted goat.

Indeed, it was The Country Hen’s newsletter readers who named Dulci – 875 of them wrote in with suggestions.

So what can we take away from Dulci and her newsletter?

1. It’s short!

Don’t think you have to send screeds of information. The Country Hen newsletter is about 6″x4″. About 100 words and a big picture.

The point is, the company sends something, which is more than its competitors do.

Can you put together just 100 words?

2. It’s fun and personal

This egg company’s newsletter isn’t about eggs, it’s about a goat. And that’s a good thing.

Here is Dulci helping you imagine a rural egg producer with a friendly goat roaming around. Doesn’t that picture make the eggs sound good, even though they aren’t even mentioned?

What can you write about that makes what you do more wholesome and fun?

3. It’s interactive

The Country Hen asked its customers, via the newsletter, to name the goat.

Once you get your client to interact with you, the relationship you have with those clients strengthens.

How can you encourage your clients to interact with you more?


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