Today I'd like to share with you some of the ideas that Ready to Go Newsletters members have come up with for their own newsletters.

As you know, we've been running our Newsletter of the Year contest – and we've had some good entries.

I'll be announcing the winner in the next couple of weeks, but here are some things that members have implemented.

Using the newsletter as a business card

As soon as they meet a potential new client, this entrant provides that person with a copy of their current newsletter and asks if they may put them on their newsletter mailing list. Action idea: Keep copies of your newsletter with you; and ABC: Always Be Collecting – that's how you build your list.

Personalizing it with local, relevant information

Almost all the people who entered the contest did this. Real estate agents put local market conditions, for example. Community news and information is something any business can add. Action idea: Add something relevant to your clients to encourage them to read the newsletter.

Contests with prizes

Although the newsletter already comes with a quiz, some entrants went further and added their own contests with prizes. Some got these prizes sponsored by other businesses. This increased the number of people contacting them about the newsletter – building important relationships. Action idea: Prizes are a great way to get people to engage with you – they're a useful motivator!

Giving space away to charities

One entrant gives space away to local charities to advertise events. It's a way to make the newsletter relevant while creating a feeling of goodwill in the community. Action idea: Community groups are glad of the free publicity – it's a win-win.

Links worth sharing

An entrant with an email newsletter put in useful links. This encouraged people to share the newsletter with their friends. Action point: the more useful, relevant information you include, the more action people will take.

Getting the most out of the content

Entrants put the newsletters on their websites and used the articles in other advertising. You're welcome to use the content however you like, so why not make the most of it? Action idea: Your marketing doesn’t just stop with newsletters – the more ways you can find to reach people with useful, interesting information, the better.

Multiple versions of the newsletter

I've said many, many times that relevance is key. One entrant makes three versions of the newsletters to various types of clients and other contacts. Action idea: How can you tweak the newsletter to make it relevant to different types of people?

Extra communication

One entrant used the email newsletter system to communicate with clients after storms hit their area. As this entrant is in the insurance business, they were able to tell clients that they were there, ready to help them. Action idea: don't just wait until it's newsletter time to contact your clients. If you think they need you know, contact them right away!

And in summary…

There seems to be one thing that all the entrants have in common – how much they do! The thing about newsletters is, the more you put into them, the more you get out of them. That's why I make these newsletters 100% editable…because I know that the more of yourself you add, the better results you get.


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