I was talking with a potential client this morning. He’s someone who really “gets” the value of newsletters when you personalize them a little and use them to really connect with clients.

So I got to thinking…what concrete article ideas would be helpful? Here’s a list. (Don’t just read the one from your profession – they all contain great ideas!)

For real estate agents 

How I got into the business: Why did you become a real estate agent? Was it because you love houses? Or was it because you have experience from a previous job that you think can make you a great agent (and what was that experience?). Or did you see what other agents were doing and think that you could do better?!

My best real estate experience: Can you tell the story of a transaction that went really well, where you solved a client’s problem and they were super-happy? What about it was so great? Why did it make you so happy?

My worst real estate experience: Try telling (with humor!) a horror story. Maybe you were trying to show a home that had a giant, hungry dog. (Good lesson, there!).

What I am doing when I’m not selling real estate: OK, so you answer the phone at 7pm on a Saturday. But you have a life, right? How about you share it? From golf to baking cupcakes…share your passions with your clients.

What you love about your town: Share your passion for the place where you live. But don’t just write about the usual stuff…share your thoughts from the heart about why you love living where you do. Maybe your passion will spread to your clients!

For insurance professionals 

Why I love insurance: Most people think insurance is boring, but I don’t! Why insurance is so important and how it makes lives better…and why I love working in this industry.

What I think about the direct sellers: Why I believe that clients aren’t being served by the direct sellers, and how I (truthfully) can make you happy with my personal service.

How I saved someone’s life with insurance: A true story about how you sold a policy, someone had to claim on it and how they had a great experience (and how it would have been a nightmare without that insurance.)

For mortgage professionals 

Why I got into this business: Do you have a genuine desire to help people into new homes? If so, tell your clients about it! Or did you look at the mortgage industry and think that you could be of better service that anyone else? How do you offer better service? Why is it important?

My best closing ever: Tell the story of a client you got financing for, and how they were so happy and how you felt on the day the transaction closed. How has that client’s life changed since?

What you really think about the housing crisis: Lenders have got a lot of bad press recently. Is it justified? Maybe you truly believe that the image of mortgage financing needs to be lifted up because, after all, you provide a really valuable service that makes people’s lives better. Share that!

For accountants 

Why I’m not just here at tax time: Tell a story of how you helped a client one October by looking at their P&L or balance sheet and giving them some really get advice that made their business more healthy.

Why you love accounting: A lot of people might think you’re crazy to be an accountant. But you know better! You know how important numbers are to a business…and how understanding the numbers will make a business run better and make that business owner happier.

The secret life of an accountant: So you’re not just the guy with the Excel sheet…you have a life too. How do you fill your weekends? Maybe you’re a secret sky-diver! Share your passions and connect with your clients at a deeper level.

For everyone else 

Why I do what I do: Describe what gets you up in the morning. Reveal your hidden passion for your job – and why you think what you do is so important to society.

My best experience in my business: Share a success story. Tell that story from a position of passion. Describe how you helped someone and how happy they were with the results.

My worst nightmare: Tell the honest story of something that went horribly wrong, but how you fixed it in the end. People know you’re not perfect, so tell a story with humor that reveals how you can make things right.

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