There’s no shame in sending just a few newsletters.

I was talking to a potential client today – he wants to mail 100.

And that’s just fine… because when you send those 100 newsletters to your best contacts (your elite inner circle!) and you keep doing it for a long time, magic happens.

The good news is, when you’re just mailing a few newsletters, the outlay isn’t huge – which means you can afford to keep doing it.

And when you keep doing it long enough, those referrals and that repeat business comes rolling in.

If you start using our print format newsletters, you’ll find that we don’t force you to print with us, unlike some other newsletter companies.

Yes, we offer a great value printing and mailing service – but you are also welcome to print your newsletters yourself or with a local printer, if you prefer.

If you’re sending just a few, it often pays to print them in the office and mail them out yourself. It might be cheaper if you are printing and mailing fewer than 200 copies because you don’t qualify for cheap postage anyway below that number.

Some of our clients find that organizing mailings is a great job for their teen children – it keeps them away from their phones for an hour or two. And all that folding and stuffing is good exercise.

On top of that, a hand-written envelope with some real stamps sure stands out in people’s mailboxes.

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