Here’s a nice marketing idea.

Postal rates are going up a penny here next week. Boo Hiss. But every cloud has a silver lining, if you’ve got your marketing head on.

A real estate agent who farms the area I’m currently staying in (farming is the real estate agent term for nurturing a list of prospects in the neighbourhood) sent a card in the mail. In that card were three stamps of a penny each — “to help with the transition” to the higher postal rate.

Great idea. Why? Because:

  • It’s another way to touch his list of prospects — to keep his name at the top of their minds as their agent of choice
  • It’s a warm touch — it makes his prospects feel good about him because he’s sent someting useful. Indeed, he’s pretty much sent free money
  • It’s got staying power — prospects won’t use the stamps right away, so there’s his card sitting in their homes for a week or so at least

Great idea. Do you agree?

How are you using current events to keep touching your clients and prospects?

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