I woke up to six inches of snow the other morning.

Winter has truly arrived in these frigid parts.

It’s interesting to watch the “snow cycle” around here.

After each snowfall, the pile on the deck outside my home gets higher, and the snow towards the bottom of the pile compresses and becomes a solid, icy mass.


And darn hard to shovel.

Day after day, the snow grows, getting more compact and solid.


…a thaw arrives and the snow disintegrates – washing away to nothing.

Here’s how this is relevant to your business.

Over time, you gather more clients and prospects, always building your list of contacts.

Then as you contact those people on a regular basis, your relationship with them becomes more solid and harder to shift.


…you stop nurturing your client and prospect database.

Then this valuable asset disintegrates.

It melts into nothing.

So my message today is simple: keep nurturing your prospect and client database.

It’s easy to do with our ready-made newsletters.

Everything is prepared for you.

All you have to do is send them out.

Please….don’t let your clients melt away!


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