How to Make Writing Your Newsletter Easier

For many people, writing a newsletter is somewhere down there with going to the dentist, washing the car and clearing out the eves troughs. A right royal pain in the butt. The thing is, you can’t see it like that if you are going to continue with your newsletter for the long term. (And the…

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The Best Kind of Newsletter

I lost a newsletter client today. Nothing new about that. The one-month free trial for my real estate newsletter encourages people to sign up and kick the tires, and some decide not to continue. Others take what they can for free and never have any intention of paying. Quite normal when you make an offer…

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Make Your Newsletter Captions Work For You

If you use pictures in your newsletter, don’t neglect their captions. Captions are one of the most-read elements on the page, and you don’t need to restrict them to just identifying people and places. Because captions are so frequently read by people browsing your newsletter, they can also help entice readers to tackle the article…

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4 Ways to Tell if Your Real Estate Newsletter is Boring

I’m going to ask a blunt question: is your real estate newsletter boring? Because if your newsletter is boring, you’ll be losing thousands of dollars in business because…to put it bluntly… no one will be reading! And if no one is reading, you’re not going to be able to build that essential relationship with your…

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2 Easy Ways to Write Newsletter Articles (Even if You Hate Writing)

Many people are put off sending out a customer newsletter because of the amount of writing they think is involved. After all, a blank page can be pretty daunting. So here are 2 ways to make article writing easier. These aren’t new ideas – I’ve heard them mentioned several times before by several people –…

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Write for real people in your newsletter

Here’s a useful writing tip from Drew McLellan. Here’s one of my favorite “tricks of the trade” when it comes to writing.  I create my audience from a composite from bits and pieces of the real people who engage with the product or service.  From those seemingly random facts, I concoct a 3-D, multi-faceted person.…

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