ABC – Always Be Collecting (and Double Your Leads)

Always Be Closing – that’s the sales mantra made famous by the movie Glengarry Glen Ross. But I have another ABC. Always Be Collecting. Always be collecting contact info from your visitors so you can keep in touch. Because if you’re not always collecting, you’re seeing potential clients walk out the door. I’ve ramped up…

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When Customers are ‘Just Looking’

“I’m just looking.” You’re probably heard that phrase many times. Indeed, it no doubt rolls off your own tongue when a salesperson approaches and you’re not ready for a conversation. While “I’m just looking” sometimes means “go away and leave me alone”, it more often means “I’m not ready to buy yet…but I will be…

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Book Review: The Contrarian Effect (and how to get some free copies!)

I read a lot of books, but I don’t review many on this blog. Just the ones I think are particularly relevant to my readers – and ones I believe you should take a look at. The Contrarian Effect, by Michael Port (he of Book Yourself Solid) and Elizabeth Marshall, is one such book. It’s…

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